Using at least 3 of these resources OR one you locate on your own, make an argument for why the observation of Lent is important. Although other christian religions do not observe lent in the same way that we do in the Catholic faith, many do indeed still observe their own lenten customs. So, using a classic argument style, make a case for Lent.
So, this week, we had an interesting incident at school when the iPad cameras were mistakenly turned off for about ten minutes. What ensued after that was something I found pretty eye opening. Read this article about education. Sum up what the author's argument is and then speak to what you feel the attitudes of the majority of students at ECCHS. Additionally, list what you consider your number one strength as a student and one thing on which you could improve.
Read this article. Matt Walsh is known for being extremely harsh, but truthful. What is his argument here? Do a rhetorical analysis of this piece. Also, find another article by Matt Walsh that in some way pertains to your bio ethics topic. Provide us with a url and give us a synopsis of the additional article in 2-5 sentences.