Thursday, December 20, 2018

What Would Jesus Think of Simpson's Bar?

Read the Christmas story, How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar. After reading it, make one of two arguments:
Jesus approves of the story
Jesus does not approve of the story.

You must provide logical reasons and textual evidence to support your position.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Gaudete Sunday! Rejoice!

This Sunday is know as Gaudete Sunday. Here is an awesome 11 point summary of what it is and why it is so incredible!  I would like you to read this throroughly, then, I want you to construct an argument about why people should wait until Gaudete Sunday to start decorating for Christmas. Make sure to follow the guidelines for a classical argument. Use evidence based on the traditions of the church. You may use other outside sources if you wish including but not limited to the New Amercian Bible.