Friday, February 26, 2021

Equality Act

We are reading 1984. It is now 2021 and the equality act has been passed by the House of Representatives and is now going to Congress. FROM A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE, how might this Act cause a problem?

Here is a link that can help you discern what it is about. You are welcome to use additional resources if you would like

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Strange Case Essay Due Wednesday at the beginning of class

 Write an essay that compares Dr. Jekyll’s repulsive indulgence in Mr. Hyde with any sort of addiction.  Include the various stages of Dr. Jekyll’s association with Mr. Hyde and the various stages by which one becomes drawn into evil.  Is Dr. Jekyll culpable of the crimes of Mr. Hyde?  Why or why not?  Finally, after Hyde commits murder, what evidence is there that Jekyll never thoroughly stopped “loving” Hyde, and so was never really resolute in his decision to quit Hyde permanently?