Friday, August 24, 2018

Sense of Place

In reading the Scarlet Letter, it is essential to know a bit about Nathaniel Hawthorne and from where he writes. He begins the novel with the long, long, long initial reading of "The Custom House". Ugh, can I just skip this and move on to the novel! No, and this is why. It provided a vivid image of the author's workplace during is tenure at the Salem Custom House. But it does much more than merely present the reader with humorous details of the author's co-workers. For one thing, it underscores Hawthorne's fatalistic sense of place by meditating upon his attachment to Salem, or perhaps better said, upon Salem's claim on him. In "The Custom House", the narrator views Salem as a place of tragedy, and this sense of place is mirrored in the novel. Because of the long connection of his family with one spot, Hawthorne states, "I felt it almost a a destiny to make Salem my home". This theme is echoed in Hester's decision to remain in Boston after the sentence of the scarlet letter is imposed upon her. Salem was a place of literary failure for Hawthorn.  It was also a place of shame as the place is tied to a family legacy of which he is not proud.

So, a sense of place is on the tap for this week's blog. The link I have provided gives you an understanding of the importance place can play in one's own life. We certainly see the significance of place for Hawthorne, and for Hester. What about you? Reflect on what a sense of place means, and speak to your sense of place. Then, compare your sense of place with that of Hawthorne's. Do you have a negative sense of place or a positive sense of place and what role has that played in your development a person? You can write about Elk County, or another specific place that has relevance to you. Maybe it is a business, a vacation spot, a hospital, a room. A place with which you identify and that has had a significant impact on you either negatively, or positively is a good choice!

Just for reference, this blog, if done thoroughly, will probably be anywhere from 375 to 600 words. Just giving you a ballpark. That is not as long as you think!


  1. I have traveled all over for vacation, sports, or other activities, but there has been one spot that has truly made an impact on my life. The place that I always find myself going to is the Elk County Catholic High School. I have spent many hours there, and it is a place where I feel safe. Durning school hours, the environment and community leave a feeling of great pride and sense of accomplishment. The people around me make me feel like I can do and be anything. The teachers allow me to create my own path, and they will do anything to help me achieve my goals. My classmates also push me to do my best. There is a great sense of community that makes me want to strive to do great things.
    The Elk County Catholic community is not just present during school hours but also outside of school too. At practices teammates push each other, so that they are able to perform at the best of their abilities. Everyone helps each other out and no one is put down. This feeling caries into games where spectators leave a positive attitude towards the players. Everyone in this community is extremely positive and I believe that this I way I feel safe here. It is a great place to get work accomplished and tackle goals and help others achieve their goals too.
    Hawthorne and my “sense of place” have a lot in common, even though they effect us differently. Hawthorne viewed Salem as a negative place and used his writings to express this. These negative feelings caused him to work hard to attempt to move away from this place, but he could just not do it. He shows this in The Scarlet Letter by having Hester choose to stay in Boston and not run away from her home town. I feel that my “sense of place” has this same effect on me. The main difference is that I have a positive environment around me that makes me want to do work. I also would like to move on and leave the school behind, but there is something that will not let me. I always find my self sitting at the tables in the foyer trying to get some work done before I go home or in the parking lot trying to catch up on various things. Hawthorne and my “sense of place” leave a different impression on us but the outcomes are the same.
    Having a “sense of place” and knowing where it is, is extremely important. It is a place where work can be done and feel safe while doing it. That is why my “sense of place” is the Elk County Catholic High School. This place leaves a positive impact on me and a place where I feel at home. Like Hawthorne, it does not always have to leave a positive effect to make it a good “sense of place.” It is a place that I feel welcomed and safe, and that is what makes it a good “sense of place.”

    1. I'm glad that you can find comfort within Elk County, but I do not. My ideals conflict with those around me because I try and push boundaries and include new people and ideas. My issues are more social than physical, but it just boils down to people's comfort levels as I said. Of course, you do not want to stay in an uncomfortable situation so that's where my discomfort stems from within this area. You're obviously more comfortable with the social situation in the area and the area comforts you. So you and I just don't see eye to eye with Elk County, and no I'm not saying it's a bad area I'm saying it's just not the area for me.

    2. Though I cannot completely know how you feel about your sense of place, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I believe that if I was in your same shoes, I would feel the same way.

  2. A sense of place can be defined as a place of comfort or a place that you can rely on, but the world isn't perfect so thus, there has to be conflict. Chesterton said it perfectly when he proclaimed, “We have to feel the universe at once as an ogre’s castle, to be stormed, and yet as our own cottage, to which we can return at evening.” There is no such thing as the perfect life or a perfect world because no matter what step of life you're in there is always a conflict and that is when you return to your "sense of place", like a parent's house or your own house, for momentary stability before you have to face the issue.
    Elk County and Saint Marys have definitely shaped me, but I do not think this is where my sense of place comes from. Yes, I have adapted the ideas from this area, but from a young age I liked to define who I am, unique to everyone else. I remember that people would tell me, "you're a kid, learn your own place." Well guess what? I never did, I was always silently observing and forming my own opinion before speaking out or questioning ideas and that's why I developed as my own individual, not what everyone else "liked" or "approved of." This is why we should be constantly questioning ourselves and our ideas because that's the only way we can improve who we are rather than staying in a constant sense of being ignorant to issues within ourselves.
    I do not believe that a sense of place can only be physical, but also social or economical. My struggle was with my social role because people have a negative connotation of what kids think because they're young, but not all kids are naive or have stupid opinions, some even shine the light on your ignorance. Obviously my sense of place is very different than Hawthorne's , mine is more social where his is more physical. He seeks out comfort in a place such as Salem with his family's history where my sense of comfort comes from social environments and conversations with other like minded people. He would be able to be comforted by just a simple scent from home, such as fresh cookies in the over, where I would not. It just simply boils down to everyone's comfort level, I'm sure I could survive in Salem and he would be able to survive in most social situations, but at the end of the day something would feel off and neither of us would be comfortable. What I hope that everyone takes from this is that it is okay to be uncomfortable in most situations, but strive to make yourself better and the people around you.

    1. I like how you talk about how you feel that your sense of place is more complicated as it is more of the social sense. It’s an interesting view. I also like how you mention returning to a sense of place before you face an issue. I feel that my own is more of a connection rather than somethung similar to that of a safe place. Overall, your ideas were really interesting to read and they made me consider a few new perspectives to a sense of place.

    2. I think it is neat that you included being social as a sense of place. Although you gave some good points, there are a couple of statements that I do not think are completely right, causing me not to agree with them. I do not agree with you when you said “people have a negative connotation of what kids think because they’re young.” I do think there are people out there who think kids are naive, but not because they are young. I believe they just had a bad experience with other kids. Although there are these few adults who might have this negative opinion, I am sure there are so many more people who think children are what bring the happiness and joy to the world. Although I think your article was great, I just had to clear up this statement.

    3. Hawthorne hayed Salem, and so did Hester. Sense of place can be negative, as yours seems to be, but you never really spit out why. You skate around it. Sense of place can contribute to sense of self, but they are not the same. Many kids dislike Elk County, but it's great to be able to articulate why.

  3. A sense of place is very important and unique to each person. The term sense of place is hard to define because it can have a variety of definitions. It can mean a variety of different things to a variety of different people. To me, a sense of place means somewhere deeply connected to a person that has significantly impacted his or her present life, be it positive or negative. From this, I have determined that my own sense of place is at Elk County Catholic High School.
    I can say without a doubt in my mind that Elk County Catholic High School has had a large impact on my life in both positive and negative ways. I spend a rather large portion of my daily life at Elk County Catholic surrounded by a large community of teachers and students. At times, this large community can make me feel like an insignificant part of the world, but this feeling is what pushes me to overcome it and do great things with my life. The environments of academic and athletic settings at Elk County Catholic are always challenging me and pushing me to realize my full potential. In this way, the school holds substantial meaning in my life. Despite all the obstacles, challenges, and setbacks I have faced at Elk County Catholic, it has always given me the courage to get past those same obstacles, challenges, and setbacks it has set for me in the first place.
    My sense of place at Elk County Catholic High School and Hawthorne’s sense of place at the Salem Custom House can be described as similar in a few ways. For one, Hawthorne describes his sense of place as more negative than positive. He faced many challenges and setbacks there, but Hawthorne still felt a strong connection to the Salem Custom House that he could not leave. However, I feel that these setbacks at the Salem Custom house are what pushed Hawthorne to become the great literary figure he is today. Hawthorne wanted to leave Salem Custom House and move on with his life, but he felt that he was connected to it too strongly to do that. This is why I feel that my own sense of place and Hawthorne’s sense of place are very similar.
    A sense of place is very important for an individual to recognize in his or her own life. This is because a sense of place is important in shaping who we are and who we have yet to become. It has quite an impact on a person. Each person’s sense of place is so unique and important to that person. Identifying my own sense of place in my life has become important to me because I now see it in a different way and see how Elk County Catholic helped me grow as a person despite the challenges that might arise.

    1. I agree that a sense of place is important to each individual person and it makes them who they are. Even if this place has a negative impact on ones life. A place like Elk County Catholic leaves a mark on ones life and sets them apart from others.

    2. I like that you redefined what sense of place is before reflecting on your own. It was helpful to me as I was reading it.

  4. Place is an interesting term. Place, in terms of geography, is a particular location that stands out against the rest. If we are using this form of place, my place is at home. I think this is pretty common, which is good. I believe it is necessary for someone to feel like they belong somewhere. This leads into the other type of place, the one I believe is more important. Physically matching a group of people is one thing, but feeling like you belong in a more personal sense is infinitely more valuable. Even being in a niche group is more beneficial then just looking like you belong. I personally have never really classified myself in any specific way because I feel like thats a waste of time and energy. When you align yourself with something, you tend to feel obligated to follow the mod rule. This is detrimental in plenty of ways, but thats a topic for another day. My point is, I don't define myself based on others. I am me, and thats how it has always been and always will be.

    I believe I am in a much better place than Hester. In fact, Hester's situation is almost the complete opposite of mine. The whole course of the narrative, she battled with the public's view of her, her child, and, in the end, her lover. I don't feel like I have to battle any stereotypes and anyone who tries to label me as something probably doesn't know me very well. Of course, I specialize in some things. The most obvious is computers, but this is only one part of who I am. A person is the sum of their actions, and I try to live this philosophy to a large extent.

    I know the advice is always "Go out and be yourself," but I think it would be better put as "Go out and be." There are too many guidelines as to how to be "yourself" that at some point, you are no longer you. So, just be. Be whatever you want, but don't forget what got you here. I think this is essential to feeling alive and well.

    1. I would like to add that I misread the Hawthorne as Hester and compared myself to Hester. However, I believe my point remains true. Hawthorne felt like he was obligated to stay put and be someone other than who he was to try and compensate for other's mistakes. I've never felt this way and I don't expect I ever will.

    2. Well, Hawthorne relates to Hester, so it's not really a misread, but you don't really answer the rhetorical question. Even if you are not connected to a particular group, you do, in fact, physically exist in a physical place. Some physical places impact you in some way.

  5. To me, a sense of place is an environment where I have an emotional connection. It is where many of my feelings in life reside. This place is like the name on the front of my jersey. It is a stamp on my forehead. It is what defined and defines me as a person. I can only hope that it does not pick me up and chew me out, making me a single powdered metal part stacked upon a thousand of the same kind. I want my city to fashion me into another one of its unique puzzle pieces that portray a beautiful picture when assembled together with all of the rest. A sense of place is a meaningful part of my life.

    Gaius Plinius Secundus stated “home is where the heart is,” and my heart is in humble ole St. Marys, Pennsylvania, where everybody knows just about everybody. It is a quiet city filled with families who have been there since its beginning. Loyalty to our roots and the love of its people are what keep my family and I grounded in this central Pennsylvanian city.

    Similar to Hawthorne, my sense of place is the same community where my ancestors lived. Nathaniel’s ancestors played an active role in Salem as judges in the witchcraft trials. He objected the course of action his family took, but he felt a connection to the place, which inevitably caused him to stay. This dark history in his family’s blood could not move Hawthorne from the place where he knew best. The difference in our history is that my ancestors have resided in and around St. Marys. The occupations they had taken up was farming. There were not any horrific things that I can recall anyone of my ancestors doing. Although the ancestral backgrounds of Hawthorne and I are significantly different, they both played a role in the reasoning of where our senses of place were located.

    The connection that I have with St. Marys and the history of my ancestors has had a momentous impact on my development as a person. The hundreds of family members that I have has allowed me to understand that I am not the center of the universe. Each individual with their humbling story has given me insight on how to better live my life. The positivity that grows on the branches of my family tree has shown me to look for the good in people and find the happiness that stems from hope. My development is unmistakably an outcome of the people who are my connection to my sense of place.

    1. I enjoyed how you used the quote by Gaius Plinius Secundus. That quote is very meaningful and applies greatly to your topic. I really enjoyed reading your article and I am looking forward to reading more!

    2. Excellent job Regis. I really loved the metaphor about the powdered metal parts in the first paragraph. I thought that was excellent and worked well for this piece. I can’t wait to read more of your blogs this year.

  6. A sense of place to me in this term is a fluid term, meaning that I have a physical place, yet also mental, social, emotional, and spiritual places all in one, which is almost impossible to balance. It also applied to a place being an area where you are comfortable with, and show your true self in. My physical place to me, is not such an area, as it is a people. Friends and family to me are where I feel the best at, as sometime I can be at my house and not be okay, and have things such as anxiety. I love people because they help me grow as a person, whether that be growing use to taking jokes, or taking insults. That is my physical sense of place, being with people that I like and/or love. My social place mixes well with my physical sense. Since I like human interaction, I will hang out and talk to anyone and everyone. So in a sense, my social place is in a very good state. I want to be that person that you can walk up to and feel comfortable and have a meaning conversation. If I have that with a person, I feel like I accomplished something. Building upon that, if I develope a relationship with that person and become good friends with them, I will cherish that relationship. I'm not that type to throw away a relationship.
    My spiritual place is a harder one to decipher for me, and has taken me much more time to figure out where I am. With my being in almost every friend group, I understand everyones point of view on subjects, like religion and politics. I understand an agnostics or
    atheists ideas , yet they don't affect my spirituality, just my logic. So in a way, I am in a very understanding place in my spiritual life. I wouldn't apply it as neutral state, but I'm understand of my situation. I understand where I can improve and strengthen myself spiritual life. I am strong in spirit, yet not invincible, and I understand that, and I need to work on that.
    My mental place is very good. Even though, at times with my friends, I appear crazy and even dumb at times, I am a very deep thinker when I am actually trying to be serious and not goof off. If a problem is ahead of me, I will think about it for hours, maybe even days if it takes that long. I will try to think of the best course of action possible, even if it means I lose sleep over it.
    The hardest of these five for me to keep balanced is my emotional state. I am a very, very emotional person. That is my driving force in the tail ends of arguments. It's my passion that keeps me going through sports like football. It's my emotions that will also figure out how a assess a situation. It also will heavily affect my logic at times, clouding thoughts, or clearing them. So, this is definitely my strongest power, and my biggest weakness as a person

    Bring these all together, I feel like I'm very hard to have a good sense of place, and it depends on if those five are being balanced. I can be in a good sense of place socially, physically, and spiritually, but if I'm not good emotionally and mentally, I will probably shut down, and my "social battery" will run out because I might be depressed or angry. The main place, emotional, is the driving force for the rest, so if I'm stuggling there, I will stuggly with the other four. It is like five levers, with the lever that decides how far the other four can go up being emotion. I don't know if that's the best analogy, but to me it makes sense. But to put it more bluntly, I don't have just one place, yet five, and if those five are in balance, I'll be my best person. If I'm not balanced, if could range from being completely fine to having a complete breakdown on all levels. As stated in the introduction, my sense place is fluid, it can go wherever it wants, which can be good, yet bad. It's very tricky to tune all five to been in unison.

    1. Anthony, first of all, I really did enjoy reading your blog. It truly did give a different perspective on “sense of place”. I do feel, however, that it would be much easier for a reader if you tried to think of a physical place as Hawthorne did, like your own home or something of that nature. The sense of place does not need to be positive it just needs to be something that speaks to you. Still, you did some really interesting things with the abstract direction you took it. I personally enjoyed the visual of the levers you gave. Great job.

    2. Grace, I agree with you it would've been easier on the reader for me to give a phyiscph place, I just couldn't figure out anything along that lines, so I went with what my own idea of sense of place. But that you for the feedback!

    3. I never would of thought of a sense of place like this, Gergy. I would have always thought of a physical place, like a town, house, or room. However, I did enjoy your perception of this blog. Stay quirky, Gergy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A sense of place is usually a place where people are happy and feel a sense of warmth. While at times I enjoy being in Elk County, I know it is not my place of comfort, and someday I would love to leave. However I will always be tied to Elk County as I grew up here and have made some great bonds with people, as well as fond memories. This has made a positive impact on me because I am excited to go to college and to get away from this town. Other than my family being here, this town really has nothing to offer. This has opened my eyes to all the vast opportunities this world has to offer. For some people, Elk County is the spot where they want to live there whole life, it is there sense of place. For me, my sense of place is when I am playing a sport. The football field and baseball diamond mainly. When I step on the grass, I can block out everything thats going on in the world. When I step on the field for opening kickoff and see all the people around, I feel at home. I know what I step on that field I have all 30 of my brothers behind me if I fall. To me that is a sense of comfort, and my sense of home.

    Hawthornes sense of place and mine are different. Hawthorne was connected Salem, and couldn’t leave because he always felt something was holding him back. I am not a connected to Elk County or ECC. I am thankful for all the things I have experienced here, however I view the lessons I have learned as a steppingstone for something better to come. I have always tried not to get emotionally attached to things, as most of it is temporary, as high school is only 4 years of our lives. Even my “sense of home” is temporary someday I will lace up the cleats for the last time, and it will all be over. All I will have is the memories I made, and that will be enough.

    1. I love how the football field and baseball diamond is your sense of place. To me this was unique and after reading your response I had chills. I am excited to continue to read your work.

    2. Dan, I enjoyed how you acknowledged your appreciation for Elk County while realizing it is not where you will be forever. I am also glad that you can identify your place through sports, and you feel comfort in them.

    3. Needs to be fully developed. 375 was minimum word count.

  9. Every place you have been supports your story. Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital assists in telling a major part of my story. A sense of place is something that seems to keep beckoning your name, calling you back to a crucial event in your life. For me, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital has been a place I have been going since before I took my first breath. I have been doing health studies to help other children who have kidney disease and find common threads between other kidney problems. I met many amazing people when I went for these study visits; it is even the place that helped inspire me to become a dietitian. They all taught me something that will stick with me forever: “You are not just some sick kid, you are just like all the others.” The study later closed leaving me having to go to a different hospital to complete the study. Then, three years later, I found out I needed a spinal fusion surgery, and this surgery was scheduled to take place at Rainbows. I went in the day of surgery expecting to have only six levels of my spin fused. Only minutes before going into this highly invasive surgery, I was told we had to go thirteen levels. I, like the narrator, had an internal conflict with myself. I was terrified, I had no idea how this was going to go. Then, obviously, I had to go through with this and place my life in both the surgeon’s and God’s hands. Many parts of my life have centered around this hospital, I have a sixteen inch scar as a result to remind me. It quite literally carved itself into me.
    I personally have a complicated history with Rainbows. It helped sustain my life up to this point, but I also received bad news too. My story is not the same as the narrators, we both have different stories given to us to tell. He felt like he had to stay within the boundaries of Salem. I, on the other hand, do not believe I need to stay attached to my sense of place. To me, nothing is holding me back. It will be a memory that will continue with me forever. I am grateful for the opportunity Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital gave me. They have inspired me to keep going even through difficult times.

    1. It is truly amazing how you have turned what could be such a negative place for many people into a place where you were inspired and reassured! It is motivating that through tough times you have managed to see the good in things. Your sense of place is very interesting!

    2. This is so self reective. So good.

  10. A sense of place can simply be defined as a place where one feels comfortable, important, and welcomed. I have grown up in elk county my whole life, I have traveled to many vacation spots, and I have shaped myself according to the environment around me. However, I feel there is one specific spot that shaped my personality and outlook on life. I grew up at my camp at East Branch Dam and that is where I learned to love, respect, and care for others. I learned how to be thankful at a young age because spending time with family by a campfire, resting on a boat from 7 am until 8 pm, and having a beautiful camp and a beautiful family is all one needs to be happy. I remember sitting on the swings and talking to my mom and dad everyday and learning more and more each time I went down to camp. I felt safe and I felt loved. This had an incredibly positive impact on my life. A few years ago my parents let people rent out our camp until the year of 2021 and sold my boat because they bought a restaurant and started a new chapter of their life. At this point, I realized it’s time for me to start a new chapter and focus more on my school work, my job, my family, and my friends. Although I will be away from my happy place for a few years I will never forget the feeling I got when I was there.

    Hawthorne’s ancestors were involved in witchcraft trials and Salem. He could not leave because he was connected to the place and felt as if he was holding himself back. I was connected to my camp, however, I left and now am thankful for it because it made me who I am today.

    1. I liked how you said you will never forget the feeling that you have felt when you were at your camp. I can relate to that as well. I can’t wait to continue reading your work!

    2. I really enjoyed reading about your past and learning how you plan to move on with your past in mind. Also, I liked how you compared your personal sense of place, to that of Hawthorns.

    3. That's quite a sacrafice! Thank you for sharing that. So generous.

    4. I loved reading your post and learning about how you’re moving on and starting a new chapter in your life. I especially can relate to how you feel about your camp and spending days there!

  11. To me, Elk County as a whole is the place in my life that has given me the most benefits. It is unbelievable how such a small area of people can always find their way back to each other. What I mean is that no matter where and how far you travel away from Elk County, you will most likely encounter someone that has experienced or has had some type of story in regards to our area. Whether that story be a relative living here, a friend growing up here, or they themselves visiting or growing up here. For example, I went on a vacation with some of my best friends this summer for their Senior beach week. We went to a concert on the last night and most of us had our Crusader gear on. A man approached us and mentioned how where he grew up there was a team from the area called the Crusaders. He also said his best friend, Sam, grew up there with him and now is the president of the school known as the Crusaders. We all looked at each other with a surprised expression on our faces. We asked if he was talking about Sam McDonald from Elk County and he said, “Yes, Sam McDonald from Elk County!” We could not believe it. We talked to him for almost an hour as he told us so many stories from when he and Sam were in high school. It was unbelievable that out of everyone on Sandbridge Beach, he approached us and happened to be from Elk County. Elk County has been such a positive place on me because no matter where I go I will always feel like I am home, and I will almost always have someone who is goung through the same experience. Thanks to Elk County I will never feel alone no matter where I go. Also, Elk County has made me into the man that I am today and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

    Elk County is the total opposite of a place like Salem. In Salem, people are not proud of who they are or where they came from. They don’t want to speak of it and don’t want to ever return. In Elk County, almost everyone is proud of their hometown and would love to return. Most adults in Elk County have even grew up here and don’t ever plan on leaving! This area is just something special that blesses many people who experience it.

    1. Bryce, it is amazing how everyone in this small county can change someone’s life in such a big way. Even how you said you didn’t know the man at the beach, but still managed to talk to him for nearly an hour about a certain place you both had in common is amazing! It is wonderful how you see Elk County as your home forever.

    2. Elk County has 3 degrees of separation while every other place has 7. Some people love that, others despise it. Who was the guy!

    3. I have been in similar situations where people have approached me based on my ECC gear on while out of town. Its great that Elk County Catholic help mold you into the man you are today, and along with all the memories you have made.

  12. To me, a sense of place is somewhere that one feels comfortable being. Somewhere that they can relate to and can always be happy and be able to have a good time there. There are many places around Elk County that make me feel that way, and there also other places like the beach or somewhere down south. But nothing compares to the way being on a volleyball court makes me feel. The whole atmosphere of the game just makes me feel a way that nothing else can. A close game with the fans cheering and getting a big point and celebrating just adds to all the excitement that makes it so much bettter than anything else. It is truly where I feel myself the most. Every coach I have had since 7th grade until now has made me into the player and person I am today. They have helped me work hard, and learn the purpose of teamwork. Both of those factors go into playing volleyball, which has definitely made me the person I am today.

    Hawthorne was very connected to his place, as I am to volleyball. But, he felt as he was held back in such a way he could not leave. When I leave the gym after a long, sweaty practice or game, I think of how it has helped me, but also am thankful for it to be over, just so I can go back and do it the next day.

    1. This is really short. Try to fully develop your response. Minimum was 375. I think we could have heard a lot more about the volleyball court. Don't be afraid to really open up.

  13. I have been many places, met many people, and done many things, but one place where I can always find significance is in a church or chapel. It doesn’t matter which church it is, but the fact that I am in the true presence of God allows me to become one with him. Being with God in a physical form helps me to strive to be with him in a spiritual sense as well.
    Being in a church alone or with a few other people in silent adoration is always amazing, but being there, in the presence of God in the mass offers us the opportunity to grow closer to him, and that is what we should be striving for. What many people don’t see in God is that where we go, he goes. He helps me to understand that he is with me every second of my life. No, he never promised a trouble-free life, a life of personal success, or to bring me to challenges that He knows I can handle. The church is somewhere that I can go, and be sure that I am surrounded by love and mercy.
    One amazing thing about the church is not only is it a building, but it is also a whole community filled with people who are searching for God. When I feel lost or forgotten, I know that I have a community behind me that I can fall on and get help to set me back on the right path again. This community encourages me to do my best in everything that I do, to keep pushing even when I’m struggling, and most of all, to do every single action in Jesus’ name because he lived and died for all of us.
    Hawthorne and I obviously view our “places of significance” very differently, but each of us are able to find ourselves doing what we love in these places. For him, it is writing, as for me, praying. Sometimes Hawthorne attempts to leave his place of sense or fall away from it, and sometimes I am tempted to go against the church laws or leave it all in my past. Something about both Hawthorne and I is that each of us simply can not do it, we can not leave our place for the fact that both of these places have left such large impact on our lives.
    Once you get so into something and it becomes a part of who you are, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. No matter how hard you try, it is simply too hard to leave. This goes for Hawthorne, but for as many times as I sin, I know that God will ALWAYS forgive me as long as I ask for it and if I am truly sorry for my actions. This is why I can continue to return to the church, for the sake of know that I can always be forgiven and I receive as many chances as I need.

    1. I really like your thoughts throughout this blog. I love how you brought God into your sense of place. This was well thought out with great vocabulary! Nice job Steve😊

  14. The day my mom got released from the hospital I went to my positive sense of place, my camp. There I gathered with many family and friends who welcomed me with the same love and joy that they do today. I grew up water skiing and tubing. It was something you had to at least try if you were part of the family. In fact, I started water skiing at 6 years old. When it would rain we would all go catch salamanders. We made houses for them out of Capri Sun boxes and took them home. We always were building forts out of pillows and living in them for the day. And of course since it is camp, making s’mores, mountain pies, and hot dogs over the fire every weekend in the summer. I believe my camp made me who I am today because it was where my whole family came together each weekend. We were able to sit and relax with the people we care about the most. We would have home cooked dinners there each time that all the moms made. They are always so yummy. The part that I like the most is it was shown in so many ways to everyone what it’s like to have a family who truly loves you. This year we plan to stay the night down there on Christmas Day. Everyone is looking forward to this. It’s a positive and joyful thing. To have a place that’s a home away from home, a family who shows unconditional love, and have memories that will last a life time is something I am so grateful for. Sometimes, I think I forget how lucky I am.
    I’m relating my positive sense of place to Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Custom House in a very different way. It was hard to think of a negative place in my life, in fact not even one comes to mind. Therefore, I believe like Hawthorne, the two places bring family to mind. Unfortunately, his is in a more negative way. They bring memories. Hawthorne’s are more negative then mine yet, an image of something comes to both him and I. The two places are similar in their own special way.

    1. I really enjoyed your blog, Lauryn. I think that it is truly an awesome thing that you have your camp as a positive place filled with family and friends. It is important to always have that place that you can turn to in order to unwind and relax with family.

    2. Lauryn, you are very blessed to have the family you do, with the memories you have made. It is admirable how much you guys mean to each other. You have a great place!

    3. I would have liked for you to speak a little more to how this relates to the essay, because there are so many good connections, but its nice to learn about your camp. Its nice to have places you love.

  15. A sense of place is somewhere familiar to a person in many ways. It is a place where the sights, sounds, and smells of a location work together to make a significant impact on a person. The history of the place can make an impact on sense of place as well. For Hawthorne and Hester, it was gloomy Salem. Hawthorne gave a vivid sense of feeling to describe his thoughts of Salem, and to set the tone for the book. Though the feeling of many places have made a significant impact on my life, there is one that stands out the most. This is a place where my family has traveled to for many generations, which gives it a feeling of home. When I am there I feel calm, listening to the waves, the seagulls, and happy conversations. Through my sunglasses I see content family members reading, relaxing, or playing in the waves. My great-grandmother traveled to Wildwood Crest, New Jersey each year for her vacations with her husband and her three kids. My grandmother fell in love with the sense of place she felt there, and in turn took her five children there each summer. My father grew to love it so much he took his wife there every year. Soon enough my parents were pushing a two seated stroller through the sand back to the shore. Because this spot has been in my family for generations, I feel a strong family connection when we cross the Walt Wittman Bridge over to New Jersey. This spot has developed me in many profound ways. I have grown to appreciate our beautiful planet through the astounding sights of the Atlantic. I have begun to respect the hard work my family has put in to save money for their trips to Wildwood Crest. I feel a sense of desire to travel, and see other beautiful places when I am there, but I know there will never be a place like Wildwood Crest.

    My sense of place can be related to Hawthorne’s because both him and I have family ties to our respective places. From this, I assume his family was very important to him. Because my family has traveled to the shore through many generations, I feel connected to them when I am at Wildwood Crest. In contrast to Hawthorne, my sense of place gives me positive feelings, much different than the feelings Hawthorne has toward Salem. I appreciate the importance of sense of place when writing, because through the sights, sounds, and smells that surround someone, peoples thoughts can travel to many places.

    1. This is actually amazing. As I was reading, I could picture in my mind everything you were talking about. Nice job, Bailey! I cannot wait to read more from you!

    2. I really like how the place you relate to goes back several generations in your family. When I normally think of place I would think of an actual location but you mention several of the senses to really provide a picture of it. Very interesting.

    3. I absolutely loved reading this, Bailey! I can tell that this sense of place is so special throughout your whole family.

  16. What if we had a sixth sense? Perhaps, if we had a sense that is not
    only touching, seeing, smelling, hearing, and tasting, but one that
    combines each and every one of these. To me, a sense of place is,
    indeed, a sixth sense. A famous author, Rebecca Solnit, once said,
    "Sense of place is the sixth sense, an internal compass and map made
    by memory and spatial perception together." This quote immediately
    awakens the memories of the reader and clasps onto their own personal
    sense of place.

    Everyone knows the feeling of walking into a certain location and
    feeling completely and totally secure, comforted, and unrestrained.
    Often times, this area is a place that is held very close to the heart
    and can always be a safe haven. For me, my safe haven is my camp. My
    family and I would go down almost every single weekend and create
    memories that would last a lifetime. I can remember walking in the
    front door on brisk Friday nights and smelling the aroma of the
    crackling fireplace. I look back and see myself laying on my parents'
    bed watching Monsters Inc. and eating Reese's Puffs. I would snuggle
    up with the same yellow and green blanket each night and fall asleep
    to the sound of country music playing outside. Camp is always a place
    for not only me, but for my family members, as well, to take a step
    away from reality. For example, as my Uncle Gary was struggling with
    the heart-wrenching symptoms of brain cancer, him and I would always
    sit outside by the fire while everyone else was asleep and just talk
    about everything from A to Z. Today, I still share some of those
    memories with my friends as we ride four-wheelers along the same
    trails over and over again and laugh about the times we wrecked when
    we were younger and played jokes on our parents.

    My sense of place parallels to and differs from Hawthorne's
    expression. Our descriptions are similar because we both construe the
    idea of a physical place and the recollection of the history that made
    these places so special to us. However, our ideas differentiate when
    positive and negative senses come into play. I think of my camp as a
    positive sense of place for the most part, and Hawthorne views the
    Salem Custom House as a place of adversity and hardship.

    I believe with my whole heart that this sixth sense is found in
    everyone, and the matter of acknowledging it is so extremely
    important. I know that camp always seems to channel my inner workings
    and brings this source of euphoria to the moment. A sense of place is
    a crucial part of life.

    1. Great job Maddie, I can see you put a lot of thought into this piece. It is amazing that your happy place is shared with your whole family. I completely agree that a place where you made happy memories in the past is now a where you find your 6th sense.

    2. Maybe it is that its an escape. I think that makes it a haven of sorts. This is nice.

  17. A sense of place to me is where one feels comfortable and is like an anchor to keep one steady when branching out. One's place can change but not very often. One's place can be a city, a house, or a group of people. I would say my place is all of the above. That is, talking to my friends online from my house in St. Marys. That is where I feel most comfortable and most grounded. Growing up in St. Marys has definitely shaped me as a person. I have become accustomed to the smaller town lifetstyle and would feel very cramped in a big city. I love being able to go outside and enjoy the greenery and natural environment. I also love attending our school because it is smaller than a public school so everyone knows eachother and are more well behaved than I imagine many kids are at a public school. Even while I might not agree with some beliefs of St. Marys in general, I really like my life here and am not in a hurry to move away.
    I definitely have a positive view of my place. I love the open nature of this area and the culture, however I do not necesarily agree wiht all of it. I don't really associate with the redneckiness of the area even though I do find it interesting and pretty useful when many people can fix things themselves instead of needing to hire someone else. I would say I am a more modern person because I would typically prefer to be inside on a computer than outside getting dirty. So unlike Hawthorne and Salem. I like the area of which I am from however I do feel the differences of the area and my person.

    1. Chris, I love you idea of your sense of place place being with other people, even if your not with them. I also agree with a "small town" mentality, and it would change us if we lived in a big city. I really like you idea of your ideas of sense of place for you, and being a friend of you I would agree with you on this.

    2. Interesting that your sense of place isn't really a place, rather it is an escape from a place. Being on line with friends allows you to escape the place you are. But in an odd way, being online kind of transcends place. It is an interesting situation, isn't it.

  18. For me, Elk County has been such a blessing to be my sense of place which I have rooted myself into. It has definitely been a positive experience living in the area that I do. The community within the area where I live has always been so positive and I feel like it is quite different from most city life or if I were to live somewhere else. Due to the fact that Elk County is a place which has very catholic based morals, I have been able to really concentrate on my faith in a way that may not have been possible if I was living somewhere else. It almost feels as if there is a cushion of people rooting for you and your relationship with God. Over this past summer I went to a business camp at Lycoming College. Although it was a great educational experience, there was a lot of controversy on things that I believed, within other people at the camp. It was something I was never really exposed to before, or ready for. People had so many incorrect stereotypes about what I believed as a Catholic, and the fact that I went to a catholic school. When I came back from that weekend, I had a new level of gratefulness for the place that I lived and the fact that it is such a positive place in a world filled with negativity. For the most part, everyone within the community is very nice and genuinely cares for the youth and for each other. It is truly inspiring to see all the true hearts that choose to show kindness towards complete strangers in the community. For me, Elk County has been a significant part in my life because it has helped in forming me into the person I am today. A sense of place is where one can feel comfortable and where they have grown roots in. My sense of place can be compared to that mention with Hawthorne’s work. In contrast, Salem is seen as a place of tragedy. However, I see Elk County not as a place of tragedy, but rather as a place of growth and family. Hester Prynne also expressed that even though she received the scarlet letter as punishment, she still wanted to stay in Salem because it was her home. Similarly, I do not know if I would really want to move out of Elk County, as it is my home and it feels like a safe haven of positivity in a world that feels like it is going on the opposite spectrum.

    1. You are a good candidate for a college that is on the Cardinal Newman list. We'll talk about it.

  19. Certain places often times hold special meaning to particular people. Therefore, places where someone feels as though they have a “sense of place” frequently have a powerful identity that is personally felt. Nathaniel Hawthorne explains the sense of place of Salem thoroughly. Not only does Salem initially have a negative reputation because of the trials at the time, but by Hawthorn describing his sense of place at The Custom House, the reader quickly imagines Salem as a horrendous place for the time period. This is significant to the reader because it informs them with personal information directly from the author himself, which is presented in a way in which the reader is influenced to believe the authors story.
    During the early years of my life my family constantly moved from state to state, each time moving to a new house on a military base. Consequently, my sense of place was not very traditional. This is because I was never in the same location long enough to create a personal connection with the region or community. However, during my preteen years my family and I settled in North Carolina long enough for me to attend school there for nearly four consecutive years. However, when I first began school I quickly fell behind in my acedemics but I eventually caught up. Also, during this time my mom was looking for and eventually found a stable job. The years that I spent in North Carolina were very significant for me, because of this my sense of place there can be described as influential and a place of development.
    In conclusion, I personally believe that it is essential for everyone to have a sense of place. This allows for your memories, positive or negative, to be associated with a general area. This also impacts how you feel about those areas in the future. Hawthorne must also think this way, otherwise he may not have included his description of The Custom House in the book. If Hawthorn had ultimately decided to not mention the story about The Custom House altogether, then the reader wouldn’t have been influenced to feel the same way about Salem as the author did, which would mean that the reader wouldn’t be impacted by the story that same way as the author was.

  20. Having a sense of place is something crucial that every person desires to have in their life. This is the case whether or not they are aware of it. There is no better feeling than walking into a room or to a place and having the felling that everything is okay. Being comfortable in a setting is also positive on your appeal to the particular place. I tend to get in a routine of going back to places that I feel comfortable in. Although I have many places I admire, there is one that means a lot to me.

    My grandma’s house for Sunday morning breakfast is what I have came to identify as my place. My mom has seven brothers and sisters, therefore it is typically pretty crowded. Although our family is large, we are very tight knit. It is a time we set aside every week to visit with each other. Walking in and smelling the coffee, as well as hearing the bacon sizzling, babies crying and people laughing brings me comfort. The glory of Sunday morning breakfast is it typically lasts throughout the morning. Depending on what mass people go to, decides when they go to breakfast. This is beneficial because I am able to visit with many different people, and it changes on a week-to-week basis. I have grown as a person because of this privilege in many ways. It teaches me how important family is, as well as to value tradition. I also never take this experience for granted, and the ability to spend time with my grandma and large, crazy and fun family. Where this may not appeal to all people, it is something very special to me that I really value. It is truly something special to have a place.

    My sense of place, although different moods of Hawthorne’s, has similarities. Hawthorne identifies in his place because of family. Family is something all people find themself always needing. They give you a sense of belonging and constant love. In Hawthorne’s case, while many things could have been considered miserable, he had his family, which he felt was something to keep him around. Although his family situation is not ideal, family is family.

    Everyone needs some sort of sense of place in there life. Somewhere that feels like home.

  21. I feel as if a sense of place can be described as a “getaway.” It is a place of relief and a stress-free environment. A sense of place can be linked to areas that bring joy and comfort. Although, some sense of place areas can also define negative conditions. For me, my sense of place is East Branch Dam. Ever since I moved across the country in the fourth grade, I have had a connection since then. My family and I take our boat to the lake in the summer and stay out there for 8 or more hours at a time. Being with my family really makes me enjoy the moments a little more. As a family, we learned how to wakeboard and have used that as our common bond ever since. When the tube is being pulled behind the boat, numerous laughs are shared and I think that is what I enjoy most about being out at the dam. When I am not on the water, I go for walks on the trail with my mom and our dogs. My mom and I have become closer over the years and I think it is because of the small trips we take on weekends, like going for walks. One again, I give credit to the Dam for being a weekend refresher that is out of town. There has never been a time when I did not enjoy myself while being at East Branch Dam. The feeling of the warmth from the sun on my face and the gentle rocking of the boat make me appreciate the little things in life. This appreciation has led me to believe that East Branch Dam is my sense of place.

    Although, Hawthorne’s sense of place and my sense of place have similar aspects, they do not click exactly. They share similar family connections as the base reason. I do not view the Dam as a place of tragedy, but rather as a blessing. Whereas, the narrator viewed Salem as tragedy and shamefulness. Hawthorne thought of his sense of place as a failure, since it had been in his family customs for so long. Development wise, Salem took over Hawthorne and altered his way of thinking. Personally, East Branch Dam has been nothing but good vibes and positivity from the start. Everyone needs a sense of place and maybe they still have not found it yet.

  22. Many times I find myself trying to find a place where I can just be at peace. I found that my place isn’t alone in my room, or in a specific place in Elk County. I find myself at peace anywhere that I can feel the presence of my savior. As a Catholic I believe God is everywhere and in all of us. In the past couple years my mindset has matured and I have found myself finding God in the smiles in peoples’ faces, in their laughter, and even in their tears. I know God will always provide me with my so called “happy place”. Days when you least expect it, there will be a sign of his presence and I will just take a moment to thank him and my entire being is filled with a sense of peace. With this being said, I find my sense of peace usually when I am driving, running on a trail, or looking at a beautiful creature or landmark God has provided for us. Although these are the usual spots, many times I can feel I am in a sense of place even though I am no where special. The amazing features of our world are always present in my head and I can feel my Lord. These moments are when I feel that sense of place. Taking all of this nonsense into perspective, I guess someone could say I don’t have a set sense of place but it is any place I can feel the peace.

    Compared to Hawthorne’s my sense of place is much different. Hawthorne feels that Salem is his home and he must stay. I feel that Elk County is my home but I can feel peace when I am across the country. Yes, like Hawthorne, I feel the attachments to my family but when I am with or without them in today’s world, I will always have contact with them. I can miss them like any normal person may do but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel the presence of God when I am away from them. Feeling His presence makes it easier on me to leave because I know even though I may be gone, He will always be there.

  23. A sense of place should be somewhat “sacred” to that person. It does not have to be sacred in the way of having a bible and cross at it; it just needs to be special. The sense of place should give a warm welcome. For me, my sense of place is my grandparents’ house of 44 years. Before I was even three years old, my family lived in many houses and states. Firstly, I was born in Sylvania, Ohio, whereas my sister was born in Chicago, Illinois. We continued to live in Ohio for almost a whole year, until we moved to a small town in Iowa. However, my mother wanted support from her parents so they could help her take care of Maddie and I, the little, mischievous beasts. As a result, we moved back to Elk County, but not to St. Marys. Rather, we moved to Kersey, Pennsylvania. I grew up in Kersey for the first 11 years of my life, but I spent most of the hours of the day in St. Marys. I would go to school, come home to change, then go back to St. Marys to spend the rest of the day at my grandparents’ house. My grandparents were, and still are, a huge influence on my life. My grandmother, Yaya as I call her, is the biggest religious influence on me. She taught us the importance of religion and how it fuels our faith. She would take Maddie and I to Church, and then we would come back to her house to eat breakfast. There, we would play games, watch movies, or play catch outside. My grandfather, Papa, is more of an outdoors man. He taught me all the manly stuff that every 7 or 8 year old wanted to do. Which was basically casting the fishing line into the water after he would tie the hook and set the bait. I enjoyed fishing with Papa because we would mostly talk about wrestling, which was my primary sport as a kid. He was my personal coach and he would let me use my new moves on him. However, when I told him that I wanted him to wrestle back, he would just lay on me and I would be squirming around trying to break free. I really enjoyed staying at my grandparents’ house when I was a kid because who doesn’t love getting spoiled?

    In the recent years, we haven’t been visiting as much. Our excuses would be that we are too busy or that we don’t have time. However, I try to go there as much as possible even though I cannot drive myself. I still cherish every moment I am with my grandparents because I know they are not going to be here forever. There are so many memories in that house and many more to be made. Their house will forever be my sense of place. 118 Woodland Road, St. Marys, Pennsylvania.

    The similarities between Hawthorne’s sense of place and mine is the emphasis in family. However, Hawthorne was not fond of his sense of place. This is different than mine because I absolutely love going to my grandparents’ house. Everybody needs to find their sense of place, and make it the most loved place in their heart.

    1. I agree that a sense of place is somewhere you hold near and dear to your heart. For me it’s the south and for you it’s your grandparents house. I can see how emotionally connected you are to them and where they live which is easily understandable since I feel the same towards Alabama. I love how you put that into words.

  24. A sense of place can be and mean multiple different things to different people. My personal sense of place is in the south. I feel as though Alabama, and the south in general, has created a large impact on me that is mostly positive. My emotional and physical self has always felt that positive impact for many reasons. For one, I have always grown up with a large family whom, for the most part, live in the south. When I am there, my feeling of love and empathy are heightened by all of the positive vibes that my family radiates. Although, there are also some forms of conflict involved with the family that is sure to ensue when we are all gathered together. Despite those small negative parts of being in the south, I for the most part feel welcomed and comfortable there. The memories I have made, and the ones that will surely come in the future, have formed me into the young woman I am today.
    When I compare myself to Hawthorne, I can find many differences. First of all, my sense of place is nowhere near my place of birth and development, unlike Hawthone. Hawthorne stayed within his hometown and lived his life out there. For me, I can’t relate to his desire to do so. I would rather be far away from my past then to dwell upon it within the same old town I have always lived in. Secondly, Hawthorne’s life was very much so directed by faith. Personally, I struggle a bit more with my spirituality then Hawthorne appears to. This is a hard concept to deal with since we live in a town that is so influenced by religion and beliefs. And also the fact the we are at ECC. I feel as though Hawthorne was very strong in his beliefs, but sometimes I falter. And there are some points in my life when I feel a bit disconnected from the church. I am attempting to grow in my faith with patience and an open heart but I am doing it upon my terms and not from the pressures of society. Saying my hometown is my sense of place is a far stretch in my mind.
    My sense of place provides me with much deserved love and comfort. I enjoy the south and all the emotional connects I have to it. ECC is always going to be a part of my life, but to consider it my sense of place is incorrect. I would way rather be sipping a sweet tea in the southern sun then walking down the halls of ECC for another day of school.

    1. Hawthorne was a hot mess in many ways. He traveled the world really, and questioned everything. I love the southern charm. It lives deep within you! Its such a great heritage.

  25. In my opinion, a sense of place is an area or institution that leaves a mark on the person. In other words, because of this place, the person would not be who they are today without it. This can either be in a positive or negative way. It shaped their thoughts, passions, and their way of life. For me that place is my hometown of St. Marys.
    My relationship this with St. Marys is not unlike the relationship Hawthorne had with Salem, but I will be the first to admit that I do have some positive feelings about this town. I enjoy my family, my workplace, and especially the nature that surrounds us. However, at the same time, I dislike the lack of professional opportunities in here, as it seems like everyone works in our famous powdered metal factories. I dislike the fact that many times we have to travel for shopping, education, or quality healthcare. The fact that so many people, including my own mother, must trek hundreds of miles to get proper, competent healthcare is a sad fact indeed. Many times people can be close minded and can sometimes be hateful to others. As much as Hawthorne detested the town of Salem, I firmly believe that there must be some things that he enjoyed about it, or a positive aspect about it, otherwise he would have never returned later in his life.
    Both Hawthorne and I were shaped by the towns we grew up in. Both of us resolved, personally to never exhibit the negative traits that we so disliked in this town. We both have tried to distance ourselves from where we grew up, but have ultimately failed. Our experiences taught us to be critical, to think for ourselves, to question our own history, and to be ready to create our own. Without St. Marys, I would have never been the independent minded, critical, nature-loving person that I am. Without Salem, Nathaniel Hawthorne would have not been the influential writer than he was, and would have merely been just another failed artist.

    1. Interesting. A place typically impacts us in several ways. Nice.

  26. To me, a sense of place is important because it is where you truly feel like you belong. For as long as I can remember, my life has been constantly changing. Nothing has ever seemed to stay the same for long, and I got used to having to let pieces of myself go. However, there is one place that has never changed for me. My camp at East Branch Dam has a special place in my heart that has never changed. It is my escape, my happy place, even my own little paradise. It is the one place I can truly be myself and be who I want to be. It made me the person I am today and I truly believe I would be a completely different person, maybe even for the worse, without it. I was raised by warm, golden campfires and dark, choppy water. Instead of growing up in front of the television, my cousins and I grew up, barefoot, playing outside with whatever we could find. We got excited over the littlest things, like cracking peanuts and eating pizza mountain pies. We still spend countless hours and days waterskiing, tubing, and taking time to just relax and float on the water for a little while. We meet up with our family friends from around the cove. It is one of the only places I know that my family can all be together and can never be angry or upset. It gives us a place to hold onto each other and just truly live in the moment. My camp is the first place I picture in my head whenever I hear the word “happy.” It has made such a positive impact on my life that I would be lost without it.

    Hawthorne and I have similar senses of place. He did not want to leave Salem because some part of him still felt attached to it in some way. Personally, I am counting down the days until I can leave Elk County and go explore new things. However, I will always be connected to camp and the memories associated with it. It is one of the most positive things in my life and something I could never let go of completely. I am thankful for everything my camp has given me and all of the people I have met because of it.

    1. Although my family never owned a camp or dock at the dam, I can see how easy it would be to get attached to such a beautiful place. Nature, family, and being in the presence of the two is always a good time.

  27. A “sense of place” is defined as a region which has a distinctive character, or is given meaning by the inhabitants of it. It is said a sense of place is often a combination of the two. Although this term can prove to be either positive or negative, I personally am affected by a forward-looking place which helps to improve my character each and every day.

    A school environment is meant to be a sanitary facility which promotes the learning of youth. For me, Elk County Catholic High has a greater meaning and an even bigger impact on my life. Physically, ECCHS provides opportunity to learn about almost any department pertinent to the “real world”, and to meet new people in various activities such as sports and clubs. Taking advantage of these opportunities has led me to develope various relationships with many people, and have unique experiences which were linked to the school directly. Likewise, the social environment at the school is very personal, which allows for close interaction with teachers and students as a result of the small scale. Everybody knows everybody here. Our small community known as Elk County Catholic has created an environment in which I constantly am comfortable in, this allows me to learn and socialize fluently. Finally, and most importantly the spiritual aspect of a Catholic school allows for constant personal growth. Church every friday and confession every few months together as a school brings all of us closer as children of God.

    Compared to Hawthorne’s anchorage to the Custom House, I find several similarities in each of our own places. The most important similarity is constantly being pulled back to this important setting. This theme draws from both of our innate desires to be around people we enjoy. Another overlap between Hawthorne and I’s place is that it was established as a result of the people present in these settings. So, I believe that a place can hold great significance in a person’s life, but it is the people within these places that make them completely special.
