Friday, May 17, 2019

A Little Advice

Seniors, you have an exemption! Happy class trip weekend!

So, you are just finishing up a year of AP Language and Composition. If you think back to the beginning of the year, you might recall memorization exercises, rhetoric, Aristotle, logos, pathos and ethos, Frankenstein trial, Gatsby and so much more! On this blog, you will do two things:

1. Tell me one thing you wish we had studied. That can range from a specific piece of writing you would have liked to analyze, a topic you wish we had debated, a novel that you think would have been interesting, or a unit that you would have liked to explore.  I change my curriculum every year based on what went well and what was missing. Assessing that myself is very difficult because I didn't take the class, you did. So constructive advice is appreciated! Give me a good solid idea for next year's class.  s

2. Give the incoming AP Language and Composition class some friendly advice about how to get the most out of the class. You can discuss study strategies, work habits you think might be helpful, advice on how to tackle the work load or just some tips about how to enjoy the year.

PS. Barbaro winners, you are exempt since I forgot to post the blog last weekend! Be sure you post WINNER! so I know you are to receive credit!


  1. 1. I think we should have focused on the mind palace more. I think that's a really cool thing but it's hard to self study for some people. I also REALLY like 1984 and I think it needs an entire unit for it. There should also be plenty of current events to tie into it. The last thing is maybe a unit on finding your style/voice. I think it would be beneficial on top of all the papers. Some people are afraid to write how they should because 5 paragraph 1st person is ingrained into us.

    2. For the next class, I would focus on the concepts as much as possible and do your best to find your writing style. I think the writing style is the most important thing and it can really speed up writing essays and writing the good.But definitely make sure you know your terms. This will come in handy for the AP Test. Also, take the AP test. Even if you don't do good on it, you'll know what truly hardcore testing is like. Trust me.

    Enjoy your time in AP Lang. It's not a hard class if you just use your head once in a while.

    1. Not sure if we’re supposed to comment, but I like how you focused your blog on finding your style. I also believe that this is very important for everyone.

    2. I definitely agree with finding your style/voice, though I think that comes naturally the more you write. I like 1984 too, even though it makes me kinda of depressed.

    3. I agree with the advice for taking the AP test. It does teach you a lot about standardized testing. It is also funny to read the memes afterward.

  2. 1. Although very nerve racking, I would have liked to do more debates. I really enjoyed doing lots of research and then explaining it to the class. I think it is a fun way to get over the nerves of public speaking!

    2. My advice is to try your hardest, read the books, and study for the AP exam. This class has helped me so much and I think if you are going to take the time to take an accelerated class and pay for it, then put your all into it and do your work. Most importantly, have fun. Also, do your blogs every weekend and get them done early, easy points!

    1. I agree, I wished we did more debates. They were fun to judge, and I think they helped me a lot. They were kind of scary though, especially when hearing the other sides arguments.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I do agree with all of your points about taking the AP test. We were so well prepared for it in class, and definitely worth it.

    4. I agree with putting effort into the blog each weekend because it definitely helps develop a writing style, which is extremely important for the AP Exam.

  3. 1. I would have liked if we had done a play and read it out loud and/ or acted it out. I was flipping through old yearbooks and I saw that it was done a few years before. That sounds really fun, and I think people would have gotten into it, judging by how hyped up people were for the musical this year. I think it would help with the public speaking and memorization, as well as teaching how to put on a play.

    2. My advice to to do your blogs on time, play attention, and be willing to learn and take criticism. It’s a fun class, but if you want to grow as a writer, you will have to work hard and think. Also take the AP test.

    1. I definitely agree! I think acting out or reading the play would have been very fun and successful!

    2. Acting out the book would be a great idea. I think that would be so much fun.

  4. 1. Personally, I would have loved learning more on women's rights and how literature has changed society for women. Also, the Great Gatsby and 1984 are the best books we read and I suggest having students read them every year.

    2. To do well in this class, do your blogs! I had a procrastination problem and skipped some which was not the best for my grade. Also, pay attention in class or you will be lost when you go to write the blogs. Take constructive criticism and use it or else you are never going to change your writing habits and the class will be pointless. Take the exam at the end of the year, it is worth it and also not as terrifying at it seems.

    1. I agree with your idea about the women’s rights & having students read the Great Gatsby & 1984. They were definitely two great reads that I would now recommend to anyone.

    2. I loved reading 1984 and I agree with you about reading both that and the Great Gatsby every year. They were definitely two of my favorite parts about the entire year.

  5. Replies
    1. Logan I think this is a great blog. I think it is good that we all understand that you are a winner but not only that. You are truly a "winner!" and maybe even a "WINNER!"

  6. 1. I agree with above posts on doing more debates. I think the one we did was very helpful with public speaking skills along with argumentative skills. I also wish we could have went over or more in depth with the questions we answered about the books we read.

    2. My advice to upcoming AP Lang students would be to definitely do your blogs & take advantage of all of the one on one opportunities you have within the class. I would also say to really be adamant about doing your research papers & long assignments and not to procrastinate because that will make them 10x better when you’re concise & have all of the information fresh in your minds.

    1. I agree that we could go over the books better, but more specifically I think we could go over a handful of the big topics/questions from each book because most of the questions are just basic observations. And I couldn't agree more about getting the projects done without procrastinating, it makes them easier to write and better since you're not rushed.

  7. 1. I loved reading 1984 so I would love to read more dystopian literature. It was so interesting to read about something that lets my imagination run wild and I would love to go more in depth with it.

    2. My advice to the incoming AP Lang class would be to take full advantage of the course and to not slack off! This class is so helpful if you let it help you to become a better writer and student. I would also recommend to work hard on the AP test prep and never do less than your best in all of the practice, including the blogs. Of course, I recommend to enjoy every minute of it because before you know it, it’s all over!

    1. Yes the dystopian literature was very enjoyable to read, it would be nice to do more. And this class was very beneficial to my writing. You've made two great points here.

    2. I also enjoyed the dystopian literature. I though it was very interesting, and I would definitely read a similar book.

    3. Now that you mention it, I wish we would have spent more time reading dystopian literature. It is a whole different realm and it takes the reader into a whole different world! Also, just as I mentioned in my piece of advice, slacking off is NOT an option!! It’s sad to see our time in AP Lang come to an end.

  8. 1. Although we covered it a little, I think we should talk more deliberately about how rhetoric affects us personally, like politicians or advertisements. So we can see it and be more cautious of taking a wrong side. I figure this is the whole point of learning it but I still see myself taking pieces at face value.

    2. My biggest advice is to break the assignments down into parts and do them step by step. Essays nor books are difficult to complete but they can't be done in one night. Break them down throughout the week and read 2 chapters per night or write 2 paragraphs. The best thing you can do is pay attention and learn from the work.

    1. Chris, I agree with your first statement. Ours tie in quite well together and our ideas could've work out.

  9. 1.) Throughout the year, we analyzed speeches and why they were effective. I think it is also important to learn why the delivery was effective and practice the delivery of our own speeches to prepare us for public speaking. I also think it is important to debate and argue more to help develop those skills for real world situations when they are necessary to use.

    2.) For the upcoming class, I would strongly advise that they take advantage of what can be learned in this class. It teaches how to keep people interested in writing and conversation and how to sway them one way or another. It also deals a lot with different perspectives that are tough to understand unless you learn them in class. I certainly learned a lot about writing, and I’m sure they can do the same as long as they put effort into the class. It is a great class, and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to better themselves.

    1. Regis, I agree that it would be beneficial to practice speaking and debating skills in the next class moreso than we did. Thank you for being a great classmate through this learning process. Great points.

    2. I agree that we should have spent more time on public speaking as a whole! I also liked your piece of advice mentioning that the incoming students should take advantage of what can be learned in the class. We share similar ideas on the class and have similar pieces of advice as well!

    3. Regis I agree with everything in your blog but most of all that we should have debated more to develop skills that we will use in real world situations.


  10. 1. I would suggest practicing on more debates and Socratic seminars. I found them interesting and learned a lot from them. I also would have enjoyed learning more about rhetoric in certain genres of righting like we have done in the sports chapter. Another aspect I wished we had focused on more would be developing our voice within our writing, I know I personally struggled with that through the year. I understand that it is a difficult thing to teach to someone how to express themselves and their beliefs within their writing, I just feel that it is a crucial aspect of writing. I, like many, loved the different books we have read this year. Thank you for all you have taught my classmates and I this year.

    2. To you, future AP Language and Composition scholar, there are many things you will be learning in this class so it is important to pay attention and work yourself within this class. The first recommendation I would give to you would be to read, READ A LOT. If you ever have the chance to read whether that be a good book you enjoy or even a small news article it would help you. Reading of any kind can be practice. It can help you point out the three rhetorical appeals, the numerous rhetorical devises, and for simply just learning. The next suggestion would be to start practicing and reading previous AP Language exams, the sooner the better. They tend to creep up on you by surprise. Keeping your mind with the ultimate goal of walking into the test prepared is crucial. Another great way to practice, and have a better grade in your class, is to do your weekly blog and show that you are trying to learn. Also, I would recommend being present in what you are doing and attempting to not procrastinate on your work. There are many days it may seem overwhelming or that you have no idea what you signed up for, but all you can do is try your hardest and find your voice in what you are doing. Good luck and just have fun with it.

  11. 1)

    I would have loved to go over politics and the power they have in society. I feel like politics is getting more and more involved in today's world, while almost no one knows that they are talking about. APB is more about court cases so I don't think it is as viable, yet I feel AP Lang is a perfect class for this. We could study ethos, look at the logos of an argument. We could also look at the profound effects that different people had and why they did.


    Biggest piece of advice I would give a person is don't wait on anything. At the beginning of the year I would wait until the last moment and do homework. I progressively got better at this and now don't procrastinate in that class at all, and it is spreading to other classes. Don't mess with the fire unless you wanna get burned. I got burned multiple times, and wish I would done better at that.

    1. Gergy, I agree it would have been awesome to explore more in the world of politics because we are not exposed to it all the time, especially in Elk County.

  12. 1. I would have loved if we had done more debates. I think the debates brought out the rhetorical strategies that we had learned. The debate I did this year was really fun and I feel like I learned the most from it. The debates also could have opened up more opportunities to explore politics, religion, and really any other thing you can debate.

    2. The biggest peice of advice I would give to someone would be to pay attention even if you don’t feel like it. The small talks we have at the beginning of class are more beneficial than you may think. It helps you to expand your views on different things. So just pay attention because this class has so many beneficial aspects you will not understand until you experience it.

    1. Benny, I would have loved to do more debates, maybe a class v class scenario for next year... Just a thought. But I agree

    2. I like how you brought up the small things! When we are not working on big units, small conversations are important too!

  13. 1. I would have loved to present more speeches and/or debate this year. Public speaking is an essential step in getting out of one’s comfort zone. The experience that we had with public speaking was wonderful, but I wish we would have spent more time on it and gone into more detail. It was interesting to see everyone’s different styles of delivery for public speaking. I still remember the “When I Was One and Twenty” speech and I’m pretty sure that I will forever! The memory palace aspect of speeches could have also been more in depth and covered for a longer period of time. Overall, public speech could have been a bigger part of our AP Lang year.

    2. For incoming AP Language and Composition students, do not (pardon my French) half ass anything. This class needs to be taken seriously to an extent. Obviously it is fun at times, but it’s not what some may consider other classes to be as a “blow off”. Mrs. Messineo has faith and high expectations for all of her students and expects the same respect in return. When it comes to writing papers, DO NOT BE TOO ARTICULATE!! Just spit it out and say what you are thinking at that moment. Also, when it comes to reading an assigned novel, just read the dang thing. Mrs. Messineo can tell when you don’t read the book. As a whole, take as much away from this class as you can. There are so many valuable life lessons expressed throughout the course of this class and it is important that you pay attention to that. This class was absolutely amazing and I have never been so sad to see my time in a class come to an end. Just be smart about your work and there shouldn’t be any problems!

    1. Dom, I COMPLETELY AGREE! As you said, and many agree, public speaking is essential. Also, I also will never forget the “When I Was One and Twenty” speech. Your comment to next years AP Lang class hit the nail on the head. Great job.

    2. I completely agree with you Dom about the speeches. Not only would they help people with public speaking, but it would give us experience for our future classes in college and in the work force.

  14. 1. I think everyone, or at least the majority of students, from the AP Language and Composition class got something out of the debates. I think it was a great way to learn how to express and defend one’s position, as it is something that will be needed in the real world, even if it is not done in such a formal way. I wish we would have had more debates, but I realize that it was such a big project to take on. Therefore, I think that we should have had more in class discussions. This may include more Socratic seminars, but I also think we should just be able to talk things through on the spot as a class, and express how we feel on certain situations and learn from others’ viewpoints.
    2. For the incoming AP Language and Composition class, in order to get the most out of the class, the students should use the class as a way to dive into language. When going through units in the book, Cornel notes helped tremendously once you learn how to do them properly. Additionally, this note taking style can be helpful all throughout college. I would also say that treating the class as a college course that needs extra special attention helps in making sure work is completed on time and done with the most effort possible being put forth. It is all about getting exited about learning and realizing that it is so much more than just about the letter grade.

    1. It was interesting to see how you brought up Cornell notes! I found those helpful as well! They helped me comprehend my reading!

  15. 1. I wish that we could have explored the different types of essays during AP Language and Composition. Though our focus on rhetorical essays was very beneficial for the class and especially on the AP test, studying the different methods of creating this essays would have been interesting!
    2. Future AP Lang students: This class is not just one that helps you get credits for college and move along through high schools. It develops your mind in ways that will benefit you for any occupation you take on! It is truly not just an english class. So, make the most of everything you are taught, as everything that you learn is useful! Stay motivated! That motivation we all have at the beginning of a new school year is necessary for the entire course! It will be worth it! It is much easier to dedicate yourself to your work all year, then check out and expect to just make it through. Good luck!

    1. I never thought about studying the differerent types of essays in order to help on the AP Test. Good thinking, Bails!

    2. I also think that more essays would’ve been beneficial but at least we were always busy with something. Staying motivated is great advice to future students. Good job!

  16. 1. I wish we had done more organized team debates or two sided arguments. Although we had two large-scale debates involving the Frankenstein trials and two versus two debates, I wish we would have done more arguing in the class. The whole idea behind rhetoric is to win over an audience, so wouldn’t practicing it on top of writing essays help us develop our skill of rhetoric?
    2. Future AP Lang students: do not take this class just for credits or a grade boost, it is extremely beneficial to the skill of writing effectively. Coming into this class I could not write a paper to save my life; however, now that I have finished this course I am able to write in a more concise and persuasive manner. Also, do not do things the last minute. I repeat DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO COMPLETE AN ASSIGNMENT. I did this my first essay, and let me to you, it was terrible. My grade was awful, I had no sleep, and I had wasted weeks of playing games instead of working on my essay. Just do as much as possible immediately as it is assigned, it will save time, sleep, and stress.

    1. Also ironic, I’m doing this blog late, which I said to do everything before it’s due. But I’m still working on the not procrastinating part.

    2. I agree the debates we did in class were so challenging and fun, they really pushed you to be prepared. Also, I talked about not procrastinating also, but I too did my blog later than I should’ve. We should take our own advice.

  17. 1) I think more of the group debates would be beneficial to the class on certain subjects as well as 1 or 2 more essays. Although I did not love writing the essays, I feel like they really boosted my knowledge in so many different fields. Also, more dystopian literature like the book 1984 because it was fascinating and really relatable I guess.

    2) For future AP Lang students: as most of my other classmates said, do not blow this class off. Do not procrastinate, and do not give this class anything but your best effort. You might get decent grades and pass the class by only paying attention when you want, but you're missing out on so many amazing things. Also, this is a college course so you will have more homework than other classes, but if you put forth your best effort and Mrs. Messineo can see it, then she will work with you to get the best grade you can earn. One more thing, no questions are dumb unless you make them dumb. If you don't understand something, ASK QUESTIONS.


    1. YES, I also loved 1984. I honestly wish I would have read it earlier on because I would have spent more of the year reading up on more dystopian literature, I loved it.

    2. I agree with writing more essays. Even if we did not end up writing more essays, I wish we could have at least worked on how to improve our writing skills a bit more.

  18. 1. I have learned a tremendous amount of material in this class this year and by learned I do not mean memorize, I have taken the most amount of useful information away from AP Lang as compared to the rest of my classes. We covered so much material in a short amount of time. I think the best thing we did all year was the argumentative research essay however I do not think Frankenstein was a necessity for this mainly because we read this particular book sophomore year and I think that there are many other interesting books that we could have read prior to that essay.

    2. I can confidently say that I have honestly learned the most in AP Lang as compared to my other classes. This class was so interesting, fun, and useful. I was very prepared for the AP exam at the end of the year because of everything we learned in class. If I were to give one piece of advice to incoming AP Lang students I would say to plan ahead. This class is so much fun but it is also challenging so never put essays, books, or other work off until the last minute. By not procrastinating you are able to truly appreciate the information that your learning in class. Always plan ahead and make time to get all work done in a non-rushed manner.

    1. I completely agree with no procrastination. If students can learn this at the beginning of the year, it really will help them later in the year.

    2. I agree with your thoughts on Frankenstein and the research essay. I can also say that AP Lang has taught me the most this year! Planning ahead is great advice, especially for this class. Good job, Mady.

  19. 1. One thing I would’ve liked to do more of this year is speeches and debates. I know a lot of students have said this as well, but I feel as though it would’ve helped all of us with public speaking. It also allows all of us to voice our opinion as well as defend it. I think that more Socratic seminars also would’ve helped because it let us hear others thoughts and develop our own ideas more. I also enjoyed the class discussion.

    2. Do your work and don’t procrastinate. Make sure you pay attention and take in all of the material you are learning. It really will help you later on. Don’t stress about the class, try to have fun with it. Make sure you read your book over the summer, along with the other books you will read throughout the year.

  20. 1. One thing I believe we did very little of this year was writing essays. On one hand we were writing every single week for the class. However we only wrote two large essays, that I found to be incredibly useful and fun.
    2. For the incoming AP Lang students, don't procrastinate or fall behind. I'm typing this blog late and procrastination is a bad habit I've fallen into throughout the year.
