Friday, August 23, 2019

Starting Out with an Easy One!

What are 5 things you want your AP Language and Composition teacher to know about you?


  1. 5 things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me are:

    1. I love to read but sometimes it’s really hard for me to get started.
    2. I love tangy fruit smiles.
    3. I have always been intimidated by English classes.
    4. I like writing essays but I always think I’m doing it wrong.
    5. I am very excited about this class but nervous at the same time.

  2. Five things I want you to know about me are:

    My favorite book series is the Legend Trilogy.
    English is one of the classes I struggle with the most.
    I don’t like to paint my nails.
    I love getting my hair cut.
    I feel really uncomfortable around babies and small children.

  3. There are 5 things that I would like my AP Language and Composition to know about me. They are stated below:

    1. First thing’s first, animals are the love of my life; manatees, or sea cows, are my favorite.
    2. I am super excited to begin active debates, however, I tend to be a passive and shy person, so it would be awesome to learn how to get my point across confidently and effectively.
    3. Reading can be difficult for me, as I read quite slowly, but I have always experienced a great love for reading.
    4. The only nightmares where I scream or talk in my sleep involve (typically large) spiders and spider webs.
    5. Sometimes I feel like I am born to be a paranormal investigator because I am fascinated by the unexplained.

  4. Five things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me:

    1. I talk a lot, probably too much. However, I am working on the "too much" part.
    2. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors.
    3. Sometimes it takes me longer to start an assignment than it does to actually complete it.
    4. I love a good conspiracy theory.
    5. I believe that I have a lot to learn from this class.

  5. 5 things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me:

    1. I’m usually quiet and keep to myself unless I’m with my friends or family.
    2. My favorite book series is Harry Potter.
    3. I’m very excited about taking this class, but i’m also a little nervous.
    4. I’m terrified of spiders.
    5. My favorite sport is softball.

  6. Five things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me:

    1. I am excited but somewhat nervous to enter into AP Language.
    2. I love and cherish my family and friends.
    3. I am an extremely big lover of sports, and I love to play any kind of sport with my friends.
    4. My favorite meal is steak, potatoes, and Alfredo.
    5. I hate white milk; I think it is absolutely disgusting.


  7. Five things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me:

    1. I love school because I’ve always done well in it but it’s the thing in my life that gives me the most stress.

    2. I’ve been vegetarian since 6th grade when my friend Bailey and I decided to just try it out but I’ve continued to go on with it.

    3. My least favorite class is gym class because I’m terrible at every sport.

    4. Coming back to Ecc Freshman year made me a much happier person as I believe it has a more positive environment than my previous school.

    5. I always wanted to major in English in college until very recently when I became unsure that I would be successful in that field of study.

  8. Five things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me:

    1. I love dogs more than (maybe) anything, especially goldens. They melt my heart.

    2. I despise having allergies. Every year at this time they hit me like a ton of bricks.

    3. Sushi is my favorite food, which is bizarre because I don’t like fish.

    4. I’m very very excited for AP Lang, but like most everyone, I’m also quite nervous.

    5. I am happiest when I’m at a concert because you can just get lost in the music and dance without a care in the world.

  9. Here are 5 things I’d like my teacher to know about me:
    I love stories about the holocaust.
    My secret (not so secret) talent is that i can say sentences in reverse, starting with the last word and ending with the first.
    I love coffee with sugar and creamer, but I would drink it black as well.
    I think I am a comedic genius.
    English is definitely my best and favorite subject; I hate math and am awful at it.

  10. 5 things I want my AP Language and Composition teacher to know about me are:

    1. I’ve always enjoyed reading books since I was young, and I still do, but I just find it really hard to work up the willpower start one.
    2. My favorite genre of books to read are novels, although I also like self-improvement books.
    3. When I was really young, I was the most talkative kid on the planet until one day when I decided the rest of the world was more boring than me. For a while I was really quiet, and while I’m not nearly as quiet any more, some people still claim that I am. I was never shy, I just lost interest in talking.
    4. When I was little, I kind of sort of basically saved Emily’s life by telling on her when she tried to run away from home. She was about a mile down the road when my parents found her, and even today, Emily is still mad at me for telling on her.
    5. I was dropped as a baby.

  11. 5 Things I Want My AP Language and Composition Teacher to Know About Me:

    1. This is my first time taking a college-like English course and I’m really excited about it.

    2. For essay writing, I like expository or opinion pieces the most because I think I’m able to write the most passionately and effectively through those styles.

    3. I love to debate about really any topic, but i’m not sure I’m the best at it.

    4. One of my favorite books is Out Of My Mind by Sharon Draper, definitely give it a read if you haven’t yet.

    5. Although I’m not interested in pursuing writing as a career at all, I’d really like to write a book some day.

  12. Five things I would like for you to know about me:
    I really enjoy arguing, just ask Vivian!

    I'm in to reading, as long as the book isn't in old English.

    Psychology, morals, and eithics are some of my favorite topics to discuss when it comes to characters and plots in a book.

    I like to write, as long as I'm passionate about what I'm writing. I find it incredibly difficult to complete (or start) a paper about something I couldn't care less about.

    Honesty is important to me.(See above)
