Friday, October 18, 2019

So Far So Good?

How is your research going? What are you finding out about your topic? What have been your roadblocks? Successes? What is the basis of your argument and what are some of your major proofs or claims about it? And tell us about your best resources.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Voices of Democracy

What's it all about?

Here is your writing prompt:

What Makes America Great?

After you write and edit this speech, you will record it to a cd or a zip drive. The speech must be 3 to 5 minutes in total (plus or minus 5 seconds total). Be sure when you read it will be the right length? This is your rough draft. 390-750 words

Friday, October 4, 2019

Gandhi Speaks!

Open this link and scroll to page 9.

Read the prompt and the excerpt that follows.

You many want to print it out so you can annotate it before beginning to write.

Set a timer for 35 minutes and begin writing in response to the prompt. Do your best. We will be using the blog in class on Tuesday, so write something of which you are proud.