Friday, October 11, 2019

Voices of Democracy

What's it all about?

Here is your writing prompt:

What Makes America Great?

After you write and edit this speech, you will record it to a cd or a zip drive. The speech must be 3 to 5 minutes in total (plus or minus 5 seconds total). Be sure when you read it will be the right length? This is your rough draft. 390-750 words


  1. What makes America Great? Some would argue democracy, others our diversity, still some would say it’s not great at all. Some would kneel at the flag revered by so many, others attacking the very documents that make America the prosperous country it is today. But to see the real treasure of our nation, we must realize that we can answer this question however we like, heck you could turn around and spit on the flag, alleging how awful America is, and the beautiful thing is that that flag, she guarantees your, my, anyone’s right to spit on her. The ability to live life without fear of saying, or thinking, the wrong thing and having it cost you your life or livelihood is a comfort that Americans take for granted every day. This very country was founded on the ideal that no one should tell us what to say. That no one should control or regulate speech. Because speech is thought. And the world has a history of being told what to think. America is the remedy to that.
    Think, when you read articles about our president, the very leader of this country, you see good, bad, and everything in between. That is a privilege. Russia, China, North Korea, those poor citizens thoughts are being controlled. They only see what their government wants them to see. They only see the good about their government, true or not. Anyone who speaks out is silenced or slandered. Can the same be said about the United States? No. We are guaranteed the right to say and think what we want. Let us not neglect the other freedoms that are evident in this great country, though.
    Socialism, communism, marxism. All systems that have failed country after country. When this great land was founded, not only did our forefathers create a system of free speech, they instituted a free market that catapulted the United States to the Greatest country in the world in no time. Why? No one likes to be told what to say, and especially not what to spend their money on. Stores fully stocked, millions of dollars into movies and TV, we are a consumer nation. While other countries wallow in their poverty and starvation, we prosper, enough even to go and help them!
    But lately socialist, marxist, and anti-free speech ideas have arisen, growing more and more support than ever. They threaten to destroy everything that makes this country what it is. Without economic and physical freedoms, what are we? So maybe the question isn't, “What makes America great?” but, “What can we do to keep that question relevant?”

    1. Very well written, I liked the reflection and contrasting of other countries, because this helps to point out very basically how America is above all other nations. You also hit it well when you addressed the failed ideals that other countries pursue, like communism. I think it’s important to always note just exactly how important it is that America is not like that.

    2. John, your speech was well written and well thought out. I liked how you stated all the generic answers right away to make a point that yours will be different, and it was. It was interesting and insightful. Although the one piece of advice I might give as you edit would be to make sure that it doesn’t talk to much about the freedom to hate America so much so that it kills the mood and gives off the wrong tone. Overall, good work.

  2. America was built on the idea that every citizen could live out their dream. Everyone has wants and desires to be their true self without restrictions. To have the ability to say and express how one feels without the fear of punishment is a gift that not every country has.
    Throughout the years, the standard family unit has changed drastically. Children are raised by single parents, or their older siblings, but they are still able to thrive. That child is raised knowing that their country will not hold them back from the dreams that they have formed. Every person is able to put in hard work and dedication to become the person that they want to be. The opportunities for the child to grow starts in school. There are equal opportunities for every child to enroll in school and start the development of their education. However, in developing countries access to free education is kept from many people due to inequality. The children are forced to abandon the opportunity due to many problems. They are forced to support their family by making an income or they suffer from health issues. Governments also don’t support the citizens by funding schools. The insufficient funds keep the struggling schools from organizing enough school materials and hiring teachers. By not providing the money for these schools, the government is keeping a quality education away from its citizens.
    Another major aspect of America is its democracy. Adults have the opportunity to be a part of the election process for the country's president and representatives. Giving this ability to the citizens creates a fair and honest system that involves everyone. It also allows for people to be able to share their thoughts and opinions about how the country is being run. If we as Americans wanted to have a conversation about events in the country, it could be done without fear of being punished for the things said. Having freedom of speech helps create a better country made of different views. These are some of the characteristics that form our country and help in making America great.

    1. Good report, Sophie. I think you explained the vast opportunities that children really do have, no matter the background, which I agree with. It’s important to note that these kids can pursue a dream and not be held back from it, through hard work. Your differentiating among how some countries don’t have these sorts of necessities like education shows how America prospers. Though it is tragic that these countries struggle, its important to note how blessed we are to have such things.

    2. I like your perspective. Your general idea is really good. However, I think that you should focus in on some issues instead of skimming over all of them. Sure they are true, but they don't make me feel anything. You need to make your listener feel, not just think.

  3. Huge. Notable. Elaborately ample. Every adjective mentioned here could be used to accurately describe the word “great”. Such a subjective word it is. Even the Latin root magnus from which all terms relating to “great” derive alluded to the power of the “great” as an adjective; it is a word filled with potential and magnitude with a sense of self-importance. Now take something equally as familiar as a the adjective “great”; now take a term similar to one as broad as America. Right away, a connection to “great” and “America” may sparkle in the eyes of those who either pay attention to and keep up with the ever-surrounding political news or those who are quite patriotic. No one could deny how passionately one could argue the greatness of America. Then again, it could be debated how entirely “fantastic” the country truly is or what it is that causes the United States to be so appealing. Perhaps, it is the uniqueness of diversity found in America, its “living,” or changeable, documents, or rich history of democracy that draws people in from all over the world to congregate and tame the land’s feisty market of opportunity. Still, one cannot ignore how an individual could stand their and venerate the flag—an object with a bounty full of history and connection to the brave souls who fought for its preservation— while another could desecrate it through a small action like ignoring the anthem or through a deed much greater like burning or mutilating the flag. Either way, the United States means something to that person and the flag would serve as proof of all freedom it offers to that person. That flag cares about the person, and it wouldn’t matter if the opinion was mutual or not.

    America provides a specific list of liberties and rules, all existing with a “living document” that provides those who apply to it with twenty-seven tweak-able amendments. This is not the case for a considerable quantity of countries. The American constitution, as it is referred to as, is “alive” because of the sole reason that it is able to be changed. The people hold that much power as to request to either slip in a new rule they believe to hold importance or to repeal an already-existing one that simply isn’t fitting the bill anymore. Take the Eighteenth and Twenty-First Amendments as examples. Alcohol was becoming a high-scale issue in the early 19th century, as it was blamed and put on blast for staining families with domestic disturbances and public violence. As a result, people for the cause of the prohibition of alcoholic consumption managed to get the Eighteenth Amendment passed, which outlawed the use, sale, of consumption of alcohol in 1917. These people exercised their rights to assembly, speak their minds, and petition for their particular cause. This would have been possible without the first ten amendments—the Bill if Rights. It went even further when prohibition was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933, which made the transportation, consumption, and manufacture of liquor legal again. Again, this wouldn’t have been possible without America’s Bill of Rights; its constitutionality. This was just a humble and singular example of the beauty of America’s liberty. Those people who gathered and fought for prohibition never made a mistake that others were unable to combat and argue against. They were able to put a stake in their own beliefs to fight for what they considered to be right.

  4. (Continued)
    Foreign counties tend to hold a varied perspective of how to run a nation. From isolationism to communism, from capitalism to the German ideology, many political systems seem to hold less effectiveness than that of democracy. Engaging with its citizen not only strengthens their patriotism, but it also displays proof of the nation’s ability connect with its people, which is something that should be coveted. What makes America great? There is a very similar catchphrase utilized by the current president of this, here United States, which goes like this make America great again. Well, our president, Mr. Donald J. Trump, does an excellent job of serving as an example as to why America is already “great”. In the media—social or news-related— Trump is talked about. This includes the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly. Yet another gift granted by the Bill of Rights: the freedom of expression and to free speech. In a few other countries, such as Russia or North Korea, it is illegal to talk down about those in charge. In North Korea, it is a terrible crime to stomp on the name of the “Great Leader,” as hers called, Kim Jon Un. If anyone recalls the story of Otto Warmbier, he was a free-spirited, highly intelligent American who traveled to North Korea on a school trip, basically called their “Great Leader” some not-so great names, was imprisoned, presumably tortured in an interrogation room, reworded, and died soon after. This is an extreme case, but it nonetheless proves a point: free speech isn’t offered everywhere else in the world, and it is to be looked upon as a privilege not a right.

    Lady Liberty, an affectionate name for America and its justice-oriented rule book, grants one the opportunity to be for her or against her. She can hold her her own and even stand up to protect others as well. However, there appears to be a surge in practices that go against the values of America. Communism is alive and well, as well as other socialist practices, such as anti-corporation and even those who are in favor of anarchy. These ideals pose a threat to everything America has been fighting to maintain for over the past two hundred years. The United States of America holds truth, justice, and unending liberty, however. She serves as the embodiment of truth, and, as mentioned previously, has existed despite of the obstacles in her wake, has prevailed. Liberty could be compared to truth and, after all, “the truth is like a lioness. You don’t have to defend it. Let it lose, for it will defend itself” (Saint Augustine).

  5. The United States of America’s Declaration of Independence states three vital parts that symbolize the meaning and the greatness of this country that puts it above any other; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. What is amazing about America, is that this question can be answered in a multitude of ways. From the freedom we have as American people to pursue life, to the freedoms that are safe guarded by the Amendments that no other country has, to the freedom to take on the American Dream, America has so much to bring to the table which keeps it not only great, but the greatest country to ever have been founded.
    America offers one of the most crucial freedoms that have been given to man, of which these are written on the Amendments; the freedom of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and many more. Look at places like China or North Korea. One person decides to speak wrongly of someone in authority and they could expect to see imprisonment, or much worse, death. This can be true to almost any law regarding freedom. We are so blessed to have rights that allow us to be diverse, such as how some Americans can go worship in a Church, while others can in a mosque, and yet these people can still be close friends and American citizens, no matter the floor of their skin or if they are male or female. American law allows for the people of this country to own and bear arms for protection, which is hardly seen elsewhere in this world. We can have an opinion, and that opinion can be voiced without punishment. These rights give America meaning, for everyone can walk different paths, but these paths lead to different success which, in total, builds all aspects of America.
    A free market and capitalism are just another essential factor playing into the success of the nation of red, white, and blue. Capitalism is freedom, it is the motive of choice. This completely highlights the American Dream, as every American chooses what they want to purchase, or the choose their location to live, instead of a socialistic government controlling the every basis of the people. How can a country claim to be free without capitalism? A free market means a free country, and it allows the whole world to know how much America values its people. A free market lets the people decide on the way they can control a business and, in turn, makes for a dominant industrial nation. This is why the American dream is appealing, because America gives all people the chance for success.
    “One nation under God”; this nation has been founded on ideas that put its people first. This country sees something no country has ever been able to put into action like itself. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, will always and forever be the American motto. These three ideas, being engraved into the country, have meaning like no other, for the freedoms won for us give us as Americans a duty to strive for the American Dream, and that makes America the greatest country in the world, now, and forever.

    1. Good job, Mark! I loved your use of bold statements, they make your claim very clear. I also liked the way you used comparison to show your points. We may take some of these gifts for granted, but when compared to a place like North Korea, its easy to see the incredible opportunities we have. This is going to be a great paper!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What Makes America Great? It is such a broad question to ask for such a uniquely complex land. A land of freedom, integrity, diversity, and much more. Some may argue otherwise, but America withholds a uniqueness that no other nations can seem to amount to. That day, on July 4, 1776, we became a nation that would forever be known as the place where dreams come true, a fearless, insurmountable entity.
    America has, and especially in the last century, been regarded as the ideal destination. The “American Dream” is what some people strive to have, especially those who are struggling or just want to find a place in the hustle and bustle that is America. We have one special thing that countless others fight for...freedom. It is a luxury that we take for granted to the highest degree. We will never understand how truly lucky we are. People all around the world are held back from doing what they want because of the lack of freedom. The things we take part in daily are not seen as everyday activities to those in
    underdeveloped countries, they are looked at as the utmost of privileges. Especially for all of us in the Catholic school system, some would kill for the chance to get this kind of education. Other things that are simply the norm for us Americans are voting, having a meal every day, access to bathrooms, and many many more. People come here just to take advantage of these basic necessities. America, to everyone on the outside, is the place for a better life, and rightfully so.
    Harry S. Truman once said, "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." Hard work is what built up this country, those 13 original colonies morphed into a 50 state powerhouse of freedom. The courage and determination of our military and leaders has led us above and beyond. Our military men and women are put through unimaginable pain for the well-being of us. As Americans, we are so jaded to the fact that we are living the highest level of life to some. The people trying to come to America, legally or not, are trying to escape their hardships and reach a better life. America has a profound influence on nearly all of the world, the effect we have is so very inspiring to many people who do not have the same privileges.
    In closing, it is difficult to articulate through words, “What Makes America Great?” We are an inspiring land of all-around freedom, a great system of democracy, countless opportunities, and fearless integrity. The song, “Proud To Be An American”, encapsulates everything we stand for. A song sung in unison that exclaims our love of our great country. We are proud of our country in a truly indescribable way that will live on into eternity.

    1. This blog is written very well, Alex. It really opened my eyes to how often we take our privileges for granted. We are living in such a beautiful nation, and many people simply ignore that. We are all very lucky.

    2. Great job Alex! I really liked how you related a well known song to the topic at the end of your speech. I think that will anyone who listens to this speech will resonate with what you are talking about.

  8. It was 6:57 AM on a Tuesday, I was driving to school after dropping my sister off. Normally I have my music turned on; the stereo volume turned up to a reasonable 38, but this morning was different. This morning I didn’t have my stereo on at all. I had felt the urge to just sit and think. For some reason, I had a million thoughts flooding my head. As it was churning about with existential questions, I asked, “What makes my life so beautiful?” I continued to drive the same winding roads i drive every day, in complete silence, and I let the thought circulate round and round. What makes my life so beautiful? The answer to this question came to me, as I slowed down to brace myself for the abrupt bump I would feel while going over the train tracks. I have a wonderful family. My parents are compassionate and loving. I have a roof over my head. Im able to get a good education, participate in any activities I choose, to openly practice my faith, travel to places I’ve never been, form relationships with anyone I chose, and love who I want to love. Everything I need, I have. This is what makes my life so beautiful. This is what makes me so lucky. Speaking under my breath, just loud enough to hear myself above the quiet rumble of the pavement under the tires of my Chevy, I then asked myself another question. How did I come to possess all of these wonderful things? Perhaps, it’s because I live in a free country. A country that gives people of any race, gender, and age a shot at creating a prosperous life. A country where I have the freedom to share my love of God, speak my mind when I feel something is simply unjust, and where Im free to spend my time with who I want, where I want, and when I want. But none of these things would be possible without the crucial components in creating and sustaining a great nation. Components such as, the founding fathers who, on August 2, 1776, anxiously signed their names on a document professing our freedom from British rule. These things wouldn’t be possible without the wars my great grandfather, grandfather and countless others fought in, would not be possible if this country hadn’t opened its doors to allow my ancestors to take a step in and make the new land their home. But most of all, these things would not be possible without the men and women who risk their lives everyday, on the battlefield. Their courageous hearts are what allow for the continuation of freedom in America. Think of the sheer bravery of all the men and women who partook and partake in all the wars, attacks and battles our great America has faced. If not for them, I would not be able to receive that proper education, participate in any activities I choose, to openly practice my faith, travel to places I’ve never been, form relationships with anyone I chose, or love who I want to love. Frankly, I would not even be writing this speech if it were not for all soldiers both past and present. As I arrived at the tan brick school building, I took a look at the cross perched in all its glory atop the roof. I said a short prayer, thanking God for all He has done for me. And now, as I sit here and write, I say thank you those who founded our country. To the mothers and fathers of these soldiers who did not get the chance to see their sons and daughters return home. And finally to the men and women making the ultimate sacrifice for our land of the free and home of the brave. Thank you for being the reason I am able to have such a beautiful life. A life teeming with chaos and splendor, highs and lows, pivotal moments and even a Tuesday morning drive. None of which would be possible without every person who has worked and continues to strive for the best conditions for the United States. You. You are what makes America great.

    1. Liv, your post really caught my eye because it was so unique and personal. I didn’t feel like you were spitting back the generic “veterans, government, freedom, done” that you would usually get in these kinds of essays. It came straight from the heart, and it was genuine. I especially liked how you presented it as things YOU were grateful for and not just what makes America great. Once again, it made it personal, which is exactly what you want in a speech.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Liv, I agree with Joe. I liked how your speech was personal and eye catching. I also liked that you told a story with it. This is very well written, good job!

    4. This is so amazing. I love that you used something simple like the drive to school to explain the prompt. I don't stop and think enough about the people that made America what it is, but after reading this I will.

    5. I already posted my comment but I just got around to reading this and I loved it so much. Amazing work, Liv! I think you made us all think a little.

  9. September 16, 1620- Some 100 people sail off on a ship know as the Mayflower in a desperate attempt to find somewhere, anywhere to call “home.” April 19, 1775- The small, seemingly insignificant 13 colonies risk everything and go to war with the large and powerful Britain. August 2, 1776- The founding fathers risk their very lives by signing the Declaration of Independence in an attempt to build a nation of freedom. September 17, 1887- The US Constitution is signed, confirming America as the land of the free. For many of us, these have all become just a boring cluster of dates and facts, significant only to history books and those weird “history geeks” that no one talks to. But to those people, the pilgrims, the founding fathers, the soldiers, etc. it wasn’t just another date in the progression of America... it was their entire lives. What does America truly mean if these people were willing to spend every minute of every day, some even giving their lives, in the relentless pursuit of freedom. Imagine throwing out your entire life and replacing it with one goal: freedom. As for those of us who can’t even fathom it, our freedom is worth more than even we can imagine. Let me throw one more number out there. 695,068- The number of men and women who never came home to their mom, dad, son, daughter, brother, sister, or wife. Often, we read statistics and think, “Wow, that’s a big number,” and then move on. In reality, each and every one of those numbers represents a living and breathing human being who made the ultimate sacrifice. They gave up their own lives, and they gave it up so that you could be where you are right now, listening to 40,000 students across our beautiful nation telling you how great they know America to be. If there are people willing to give and give and give until the only thing they have left to give is they’re lives, how could America not be great? In this day and age, the greatness of our nation is something we merely take for granted, or even feel entitled to. Yet, while that may seem like a disgrace to all those men and women who dedicated their lives building this country, I believe it is the most beautiful quality that America has to offer. They believed that people shouldn’t have to wonder what is was like to live without fear, be treated like a human being, or have the freedom to live however they wanted, and that is exactly the magnificent nation that they achieved. The founding fathers and the soldiers successfully achieved a nation where we can live so well that it seems impossible to imagine living any other way. The fact that we take freedom for granted is a testimony to just how great this country is because we don’t need to live in fear. Instead, we say, think, do, or express ourselves whatever we want without risking our lives. We can practice any religion or faith knowing we won’t be hunted down and persecuted by the very government that was appointed to protect us. We can own guns so that we can protect ourselves and those we love. We can decide on our own ideas, opinions, thoughts, and values without others telling us what to think, and we can choose whatever leaders we want based on our own ideas. That is what 696,068 people traded their lives for, and that is what makes America great.

    1. Joe, I really enjoyed your speech. I don’t want to give a generic comment that only praises your writing and doesn’t give any constructive criticism, however, I truly don’t have much “bad” to say. Your approach was very true to your writing style, factual yet personal. Although my favorite part about it was the ending. Specifically when you discussed the sweetness in taking our country for granted. That was an approach I had definitely never seen before. Good work.

  10. What Makes America Great

    Alexis de Tocqueville once said, “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” We live in a beautiful, flourishing, powerful land, but what sets the United States apart? America’s greatness is not something that can be defined by one reason, person, or characteristic. America’s greatness, rather, is a result of the people’s immense struggle, strong companionship, and unstoppable will to learn and grow from previous downfalls.
    The first settlers of the colonies literally built this country from the ground up. The founding fathers had to find a way to unify their people despite trial and opposition. We have fought in countless wars to maintain our freedom throughout the history of the United States. None of this was easy, in fact most of it was brutally difficult. There was only one way to endure and prosper through the trials of early America, and it was through incredible strength of body, mind, and spirit. Strength is what America was built on, and the result was a population of beautifully patriotic people who would do whatever it took to ensure the prosperity of their precious homeland.
    Along with this sense if individual strength, there was a companionship like no other that formed among the people. It will always be true that shared hardships are an undeniable catalyst for strong relationships. This fact led to a brotherhood of Americans with shared struggle and a common goal of greatness, all of which increased upon their already powerful spirits. With a society geared toward the common good of the majority, help could be given or received in countless contexts. This simple concept was able to lead a nation just barely on its feet to progression at an unbelievable rate. While it almost seems to simple to be true, a massive aspect of America’s success lies in the power of teamwork.
    Strength and teamwork are great, but they mean nothing if they are not put to use in the right way. In the end it isn’t the qualities of individuals, or the dynamics of groups that make our country great, it is the way we chose to use them during the times it was difficult to do so. When times are hard, as they were and always will be, there are several “easy” paths to take. Turning on companions, becoming selfish, or completely giving up the cause become very appealing in those circumstances. That test of character, however, is where America was able to rise above. It would have been easy to surrender to the power of the British, but we didn’t. We probably would have gotten by without the people working as hard as they did, but they put in the hours beach’s they wanted to thrive, not just survive. By using our combination of will and companionship, and applying those successfully to the goal of progression, the foundation for a great country was laid.
    Now we are not all perfect, of course, bu that’s the beautiful part. In fact, we strayed so far off the course that we fought an entire war within our country! However, we learn from our mistakes, and we help each other up. In the end, we are all powerful, spirited people who want to see the success of our great country. We would have nothing to fight for if things were always good. It is a never ending struggle that makes America great, because she was, is, and will always be stronger.

    1. I really liked the broad approach you used to the prompt, using multiple factors to tie into what makes America great. You used the struggles of America to instill emotion in your audience, while still keeping facts straight. Can't wait to actually hear it. Great job.

  11. I’m standing on the steep hill of the Sheffield football field, looking out at the beautiful view, and appreciating everyone in the stands, and even the players and cheerleaders, repping pink socks, bows, and signs. It’s the midst of October, which means it’s national breast cancer awareness month. This means that the whole county shows their dedication to finding a cure for this type of cancer, by donating, talking about, or even simply by wearing pink. Now this simple action of wearing pink for one month may seem small, but it unites us as a county. Even when we always seem so divided, we all can have one cause that connects us together, even when it is a tragedy like fighting cancer. But in my mind, as a young American citizen, that is what makes America great. Our ability to connect with each other in tragedies and try to change something. It’s a bond that not all counties have, so our unity in America makes us not only special, but great.
    In 2019, there seems to be constant Arguments, divided approval ratings, and differing opinions on simple moral issues . From the outside looking in, some people may not think our country is always doing great. However, when your in it, when you experience the struggles our country goes through, how can you not appreciate that our country always seems to eventually stick together?
    Now, everyone may show it in different ways, but we always eventually show our true love for this country. Even when we have people burning flags, disgracing our president, and everything in between, somewhere in them they have a love for this country and presumably just want it to be better. Whether we accomplish the bettering of this country by participating in a peaceful protest or sending prayers, we all seem to find a way to show our dedication and love for our great country in our own ways. The ways we choose to better our country must be taken with gratefulness. We all have the ability to better our county in whatever way we want due to the 1st amendment, which states “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.“
    These actions of coming together to better our country could be described as unity, or a condition of harmony. Unity is vital to any countries success. It helps keeps a countries citizens connected even in tragedy. It helps us feel as though we are one, even when we have differing opinions. The unity American citizens seem to find is what keeps this country great , with its ability to make us feel connected on a deeper level. As Alexander Hamilton once said, “ the nation’s future would depend on its citizens’ love of country, lack of foreign bias, the energy of a common national sentiment, [and] a uniformity of principles and habits.”

    1. Megan, I really liked how you opened your speech. I think you choose a great example to show how our country is united. Well done!

    2. I really enjoyed the way you set the tone for the speech. You did a great job of explaining how america is great because we can join together to try and fix something.

    3. I really sensed your point in this blog. It is certainly not easy to achieve a feeling of togetherness, but the road it leads to is filled with milk and honey, so to speak. I will try to remember that the next time I find it difficult to work together with someone. Your blog highlights the importance of standing as one, especially as a nation under one flag. It’ll be a marvelous speech in due time!

    4. Megan, your speech really told me what you were thinking. It was interesting to see what you felt makes America great. I loved how you pointed out the sense of togetherness. It is such an amazingly import thing in my opinion, to be successful. Whether that means success as a sports team, a group project or in this case a United States. Really beautiful points you made! Can’t wait to see the final draft of this speech!!

  12. “The land of the free, and the home of the brave”, says Francis Scott Key, the author of the poem that has since become America’s national anthem. America is a strong country in which it’s people have the right to be free. Having freedom is a huge part of this country, and American citizens are able to have such freedom because of the brave people who fought for it.
    So what exactly makes America great? The diversity, government, a the great love of this country from all people who live in it are just a few things that make this country so unique. Although some would argue that this country is not all that great, and that America is just another place on the map, what they don’t know is that all people who live in the United States are lucky and free to peruse what makes them happy.
    Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, people from all over the world immigrated to America in search of religious freedom, work, and political stability. They came to this country with the promise of a new life and happiness. this country was built on the idea that every person who lives here has the ability to follow their dreams and do what makes them happy. The immigration of people from different countries in earlier years has caused America to become greatly diverse. People brought over traditions from their home countries and passed them down to their families, and many traditions are still carried on today. The different cultures of this great nation is one of the major things that shapes America.
    The American government system is also a major piece of this great nation. America is a democracy. All citizens of the United States are granted the right to vote. Voting is a fair process that allows all citizens a say in who will become the heads of our government. Democracy has given every person the equal opportunity to become voters and to help shape this great country.
    America also has become a powerhouse for innovation. From the invention of the lightbulb in 1879 by Thomas Edison in Menlo Park, New Jersey, to the invention of the smartphone in 1992, America has come insanely far in technology. This is important because these inventions and every other invention that came or is to come has helped America grow into a strong country full of possibilities.
    America is a beautiful land, known greatly for its freedom and justice. In this country, it doesn’t matter how big or small a person, they are all equal, and granted the same rights and privileges as everyone else. In America, all things matter, big and small. And all things come together to make America great.

    1. I enjoyed reading this blog! The way you explained your points was very simple, yet did a great job of highlighting the great characteristics of our nation. I specifically enjoyed the closing and how you tied together all of your points by explain how all thins matter.

    2. Good job, Lizzy. I really liked this blog as you broke down America’s government system to explain why it functions the way it does, and how it makes our country great. Also, as Vivian said, I liked your conclusion as it tied everything together!

  13. The United States of America is a nation that rose from the ashes of one that was controlled and could not provide a chance at a good life for its people. The United States of America is a nation that redefined freedom with a constitution that changed the lives of every single citizen. This country is made great by countless factors. Whether it be the well structured government, the fair voting process, or the valiant yet compassionate leaders, the end result is always the same: America is a great country. However, it would not be the same without each and every member of the nation, which truly make the United States great.
    Each and every day, there are members of the armed forces leaving their loved ones behind to fight for the love of their country. There are brave, selfless people dying for the wellbeing of the population of the United States each day. All across the country, people strap on their uniforms and report to work each day; fire fighters, police officers, and paramedics alike. The people who work to keep their communities safe are the same people who keep our nation functioning. Teachers go to schools, prepared to educate the young people of America for their future - and therefore the future of the country. Students go to their classes each day, working hard so that they may make a change in the world one day. Highly trained doctors save American lives while skilled laborers provide us with our basic necessities. All of this is carried out in the spirit of keeping our great country going and making it better each day.
    America is known as a place where dreams can be achieved. All throughout history and continuing today, people flock to the United States in search of a better, more prosperous life. They come in search of freedom from the many persecutions that are faced all over the world. With all these people come languages and cultures that blend beautifully with the ones already present, creating a fusion of cultures that could never be replicated. The United States of America would never be the same without the many different people that make up its population.
    Among all of the differences in American citizens, there is one definite uniting factor: the desire for our country to improve. Many Americans dedicate their lives to making this happen. Sadly, no matter the changes society makes, there will almost always be someone who cannot speak up about the injustices they are facing. The great people of the United States often come together to fight for these people, whether they be poor, sick, or marginalized. Throughout history, we have people like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and countless others to thank. They sacrificed the comfort of a quiet life to stand up for others, changing the dynamic of American society permanently.
    So, what makes America great? To answer simply, the people. The citizens who wake up each day and work, serve, and learn for the good of our country. Those who enrich our country with their cultures and talents.The people who embody their love for the United States of America in their daily life are what makes our country great.


    1. Viv, I really like this. All the examples and details you provided made the message very clear and interesting to read. I also like your idea about the people being the greatness of America, I think so too! Overall I think if you spend a little more time developing your ideas, you’ll have a great paper!

    2. Exquisitely written! There was a lot of optimism in this blog, which flows quite nicely throughout its duration. I like how you recognized the “quiet” courage of those people who ended up standing up for their beliefs. The structure of the blog was organized, which made it easy to follow along and cause your conclusion to make sense.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Religious Freedom
    Americans are free to do so much that in other places would be otherwise punishable with harsh consequences, sometimes even death. We have the freedom to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. One of the most important freedoms of Americans is the freedom of Religion. One of the main reason immigrants come to America from their home country is so that they can express their faith in whatever form without being persecuted.
    Religious freedom is made known in the first amendment, where it states that everyone has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all. It also guarantees the separation of church and state. This means laws made for the state cannot be based off of religious teachings, and that religion cannot always be affected by laws. The separation of church and state is something Americans have that many other people don’t have the luxury of. Public schools can’t teach or promote specific religions, but private schools are allowed to teach and practice their own faiths. No one has to worry about being oppressed because of reading scripture, attending mass, or other religious habits. This specific part of the Bill of Rights makes America so great.
    The government also cannot promote any sort of religion, which means they can’t give money or taxpayer dollars to any sort of faith. All churches and and other communities or clubs based on faith are not supported by the government. This makes it fair to all religions, because this way there is not one religion receiving money from the government, creating an official religion of the United States.
    There are so many things that make our country as great as it is. It is a free country, with a democracy that allows all citizens to have a voice and a say in what goes on with the government. We are able to speak freely, to write freely, and to have liberty in our religious choices. This allows immigrants to leave their country and come here, because what is free here is illegal in their country. Our freedom is what makes the United States the country it is today.
