Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Flexible Instruction Day #10 March 31,, 2020

Since this is a MC question, I'm going to make a google form. Give me a few minutes to whip it up.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Flexible Instruction Day #9 March 30, 2020

Well, not to brag, but I totally nailed that! And I am guessing that you did too. We are more than ready to take this on AP Lang! I was not able to get the links. Is that an old lady problem or were they not there!

Anway, she is asking us to write a paragraph explaining how she uses comparison to APPEAL to her son. You can pause the video at 35:40 to see the actual assignment. She helped you pick out the strategies, one is a metaphor, the other is the allusion. The trick is answering HOW.

Write your paragraph, and then choose two classmates on whose paragraph you should comment. Try to make sure every classmate has a comment.

We are so ready for this. I'm feeling more confident every day. I know this is hard. Stay with me. We will get through this! We will. I am praying for each of you BY NAME!

Friday, March 27, 2020

AP Class Day 3 March 27, 2020

Well, that was super helpful. It goes way, way better if you actually do the activity rather than scroll social media for the minutes she is giving you to work on it. So, she lead you through three rewrites and then is asking you to rewrite the last example, which needed the most work. You can grab the assignment from under the video, complete the edit on the example and post it in your comment.

She is doing a really good job, and so are you! Keep up the good work.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

AP Class Day 2 March 26

Post homework here.

Here is the link to the class. She tells you about the assignment at around 33 to 34 minutes. She is asking you to make a list of ideas about points you want to make in your essay.  I thought the class was good. It's really giving you a lot of good suggestions about ways to improve your writing!
Happy Thursday. Heading down to Adoration now. I love you all so much. Keep up the great work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

AP Class Day 1 March 25

I thought that was a really good class. She is leading us through close reading and rhetorical analysis, and she is doing a great job. She gave us some homework. Go ahead and click on the link, watch the video and post an edited thesis. You can base it on this thesis that she developed quickly, or you can use one that you created on your own. No need to comment on other posts, just post your thesis.


Abigail Adams, a mother, wants her son, John Quincy Adams, who is on a journey abroad, to

understand her views on the value of experience. She crafts a letter to her son in order to convey this

position and convince him to believe it as well.

You will need to do the assignment before class tomorrow. YOu don't have to watch it live, but in the spirit of keeping ourselves motivated and on track, do the assignments on the day they are posted. Letting the work pile up is a terrible idea. So, I am enacting due dates. Everything is due the day it is assigned. I love and miss you all!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We Know What the Bagel Man Saw, but What is His argument!

So, yesterday, we read, "What the Bagel Man Saw". What a great story. Now, let's write about it. I want you to rhetorically analyze it. In order to help you come up with some ideas, I am posting a really good Prezi that will give you insight I might have provided in class. Remember, with a rhetorical analysis, you have to tell the reader WHAT the author is arguing and then explain HOW the author successfully achieves not only establishing that argument, but how he or she convinces the reader that the argument is right.

Prezi on What the Bagel Man Saw

PS. I am going to Adoration today at 4:00. If you have a prayer request, you can send me an email and I will take it with me and take it to Jesus. There is no prayer to big or too small. I love and miss you all.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Faith and Science

What does the Catholic church have to say about faith and science? Explain. Give two examples of faith and science working in the way the Catholic church says it does.  You are permitted to use your bioethics topic as one example if you'd like.