Thursday, March 26, 2020

AP Class Day 2 March 26

Post homework here.

Here is the link to the class. She tells you about the assignment at around 33 to 34 minutes. She is asking you to make a list of ideas about points you want to make in your essay.  I thought the class was good. It's really giving you a lot of good suggestions about ways to improve your writing!
Happy Thursday. Heading down to Adoration now. I love you all so much. Keep up the great work.


  1. Example 4 Analysis:

    -She is hopeful he will grow from his experience abroad
    -Her intentions come from a good place
    -He is a gifted, well developed character, he just needs a little help in changing his mindset to achieve greatness.
    -Specific examples of how to achieve the goals she has in mind for him
    -Emphasis on how happy he could make his parents creates a great source of incentive

  2. Example 4 analysis:
    Abigail Adams shows her affection towards her son
    Good intentions
    Needs to change his mindset but has the ability to do so
    Shows that he could make his parents happy
    Abigail expresses her feelings about her goals for her son

  3. Writer
    Encouragement for her son
    Hopeful that the trip will be good for him

    Wants to make his mother happy but might need encouraged

    His parents know what is best for him and they will be happy if he listens

  4. Example 4 Analysis


    Guiding/Supporting Him
    Motivates her son
    Wants what’s best for him

    He’s cared for
    He has a goal, he just needs to see that

    There’s a goal in mind for him
    Both sides will receive something out of this situation

  5. Writer:
    -Abigail believes that with a little push, her son’s virtues will prevail over his reluctance.
    -She loves her son very much and only wants what’s best for him.

    -John Quincy Adams is a good, virtuous boy who wants to do what is best.
    -Being that she ends by stating the possibility to make his parents happy, it’s likely that he values his parents opinion and seeks their love and approval.

    -She wants to remind her son that her advice that he should go on the journey came from a loving place and that she only wants what is best for him.

  6. Writer:
    Reiterates how much she cares for her son
    Shows she wants him to become his best self

    -shows he cares about his parents approval, especially during a time where he is away from his mother.
    - he is a boy with good virtues and with motivation from his mother he can become the perfect citizen

    - Abigail is once again pushing her son to take advantage of the opportunity around him so he can become the great man he is already capable of being.

  7. Writer:
    -She is hopeful that his trip will be beneficial and she is encouraging him.
    -She has good intentions that come from a place of love.

    -He is a cared for and gifted young man that just needs a steer in the right direction.
    -He has goals and the means to achieve them.

    -Abigail wants to help her son become the best man he can be by taking advantage of the opportunities around him.
    -Abigail wants to ensure her son that she advised him to go on the trip because she believed he could be successful and benefit from it.

  8. Analysis of Abigail Adams— Example 1:

    *Both Abigail Adams and her husband, John Adams, value supplying their son with support and advice.
    *They have “an instructive eye of a tender parent” and are willing to be there for their son; John Adams is physically and Abigail is in spirit through the letter.
    *He has Abigail’s extra guidance and support whilst overseas in France.

    *John Quincy could feel more comfortable and confident in himself because he has his parents’ support.
    *He knows his mother cares for him because she reached out to him right away through this letter.
    *He has the privilege of being out with his father, learning new things.

    *Despite any struggles or obstacles he is facing, John Quincy is in a safe environment under his father’s care.

  9. Example 4 Analysis:

    - Motivation for her son to enjoy or at least understand what this experience means
    - Show support/love for him

    - He has his head and heart set in the right place he just needs guidance
    - He needs a bit of a “shove” of encouragement

    - Let him know he has her support
    - Showing her son she is proud
    - Making sure/telling him to get and stay on the right track because it will provide him great things

  10. THese look good AP Lang! Great work!

  11. Example 4 Analysis:

    Abigail hopes to push her son in the right direction.
    She wants him to learn a lesson and gain valuable experience that he can be proud of.

    John begrudgingly agrees to go on the trip, but he and his mother both know he can learn something from this journey.

    Abigail tells him exactly how he will benefit from the trip and not only build himself up as a person, but make his parents proud as well.

  12. Example 4 Analysis:

    Motivation and encouragement towards her son
    She wants what is best for him

    He cares about what his mother thinks of him and his endeavors
    He has goals he is working towards

    To show she loves her son and wants him to succeed

  13. Example 4 Analysis:

    •Abigail Adams •encourages her audience to persevere •heavy in pathos and ethos

    •John Quincy Adams •needs aid in altering his mindset •heavily influenced by the writer

    •to sway John Quincy to be an active participant on his journey abroad •to achieve underlying intents expressed by Abigail
