Friday, February 3, 2017

I Love My Catholic School!

List three reasons why it is awesome to attend a Catholic School.
Make one constructive suggestion about how your school could be even better!


  1. Attending a Catholic school is awesome because we get to wear uniforms, we are allowed to learn and speak more openly on aspects of our religion, and from my personal experience our schoolwork here is held to a much higher standard. I am probably one of the few people in a Catholic school that says they enjoy wearing a uniform. Being a student who went through what it was like to pick out an outfit everyday and wonder what other people would wear or if someone was dressed better than me, I can strongly say uniforms are better in the school environment. I also cannot imagine where I would be in my faith journey if I hadn't come to a Catholic school where they provide multiple outlets for growing.
    No school is 100% perfect. If there is one aspect Elk County Catholic could work on, it would be to offer more variety in the classes. We tend to focus on the many different types of science classes rather than the same variety of an English type class. I know the number of students and teaches is an issue, but with the right advertisement of these classes and some effort on the teacher's side, i believe this could be accomplished.

    1. Bobbi, I like how you incorporated your personal experience of being in a different school and then compared that experience to our catholic school. I really do like the uniforms as well because it feels like everyone is on an even playing field playing for the same team, and people focus more on personality than they do focus on outward appearances. Also, I don't know why, but I just act more professionally when I look like a professional. Keep up the good work!

    2. This was a perfect opportunity for you to speak out against the public school. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are compared to them. Nice blog

    3. I agree with the lack of variety we have, it kills me. I actually was surprised when someone said they enjoyed the uniform. Good blog.

    4. I really love your blog, Bobbi. You have two perspectives and you truly understand what it's like to go to public and Catholic schools. Nice work!

    5. I'm glad you had these experiences to share with us because most of us have been in the Catholic school system our whole lives.

  2. Three reasons why I love to attend our catholic school is because the opportunities given to us are impeccable, the music program, and the education is set higher than most schools. The opportunities for scholarships are amazing and will truly help with paying for college in the future. There are also many opportunities the music program that are insane, just this past year I had to opportunity to play with the National Army Field Band and meet some of the members, as well as those people who got to go to Hawaii and represent Pennsylvania in the Parade for Pearl Harbor, and lastly coming up the whole band is going to Disney to march in the night parade. These opportunities wouldn't be possible without the Band Boosters and their generous fundraising and fight for us with the school to be able to go to these places. Lastly our education is held at a high standard compared to other schools, this allows us to fully unlock our potential and achieve our dreams easier and more efficiently because we are taught to strive for our goals and for our education. There is one thing that I think could be made better and that is discriminations against groups such as the band, cheerleaders, soccer, etc. I think that there is a lot of hate being tossed around at every group in our school because of maybe we don't like that sport, how the people behave, or we think it's lame. I feel it is a big problem in some areas and that sometimes it gets overlooked as just teenagers being teenagers but can we classify this that if it is harming others pride in what they love to do? I love my catholic school deeply and wish to see it improved on this area more.

    1. Nichole, I like how you focused on ideas that make the school unique such as the music program. I myself have never been in a music program, so I would have not known how good it was if it wasn't for your blog. Good work!

    2. great job on using emotion! I agree STRONGLY with you last part because I am a cheerleader and it is crazy how many people say competition cheer isn't a sport and that it is stupid. Next time use some more examples to expand your reasons!

    3. Nichole, your blog this week was very personal to your feelings towards catholic education and ECC. I feel the discrimination of parties lies on the confrontations between each group. Not everyone or even a selective group is found doing so. It wasn't even a couple days ago where I overheard "the jocks" stating how awesome the band is. If the band would come to more football games and even come to basketball games it would be so amazing! But I do see where you are coming from. Good blog.

    4. Ecc does have one of the biggest fundraising programs for the music program I've seen around this area. Not many people realize how important it is by having a good fundriaser for programs like the band!

  3. Reason one to why I like attending a Catholic School is the fact that we have small class sizes. There is more of a relationship in Catholic Schools than in others, because the teachers can focus on our strengths and weakness and help build an effective education off of them. We receive more individualized attention than what we would have gotten if it was a larger classroom.
    Reason two is the fact that we can freely talk about our faith. In public schools, you cannot say prayers out loud or else you could be in trouble. Here in a Catholic School, faith is a center pillar used to create ingenious students. We can have mass even which is a big difference to what we could receive in a public school.
    Reason three is that we are held at a higher standard than public schools. We have to get higher grades to get honors, and we have summer reading programs. This makes our school awesome because it allows us to reach higher pillars in life and gives us a higher moral standard.
    One constructive criticism for the improvement of our school is having more classes that are focused on certain trades such as carpentry, electronics, automotive technology. One big reason students leave our school to go to public is the fact there are more opportunities to learn a trade. If we have these classes without it being a big detriment to tuition, it could really improve our school and make it superb.

    1. Our blogs were very similar. I agree with you on everything. Nice blog

    2. you have such a strong voice so show it to us! you have very good points but you should use more examples to help the reader understand your argument. Overall, good job!

    3. I love the smaller classes we have and agree how the teachers can focus on our individual strengths and weaknesses. I can't imagine going to a school with hundreds of kids in my grade!

    4. I agree with what you love! Small classes really help me!

  4. Being offered the opportunity to go to attend a catholic school was honestly a blessing in disguise for me. I went to public school until the middle of sixth grade. I hated it at first, but over the years I've leaned to love this school. The first thing I appreciate the most is the teachers. The end of last year I started to realize how much effort and extra time the teachers have put into us as students. The teachers here dedicate so much time and investments into us so that we have the best possible outcomes for our futures.
    Secondly, I love that we can fully express out faith and are able to live it out. I think as christians it's important to live the way Jesus did, but in order to do that we have to be able to discuss His life. Being in a Catholic school gives us the opportunity to do so. Attending mass, and other activities are a great way to express our beliefs with others of the same religion.
    Lastly, I enjoy our small class sizes. I used to think big big class aizes were more beneficial, but I've realized I lead so much better when it's a smaller teach to student ratio. With this one on one teaching, teachers are able to learn our weaknesses and focus on them to build us up.
    I think our school could be even better if we offered more clubs or activities that prepare us for college or life outside of high school. I don't know anything about bills or anything of that sort. If our school had a program for those kinds of things, it'd be even better.

    1. Abby I share the same feelings with the blog!! I feel there is attention in areas that don't need it rather than I areas that need it to thrive (like clubs and academic assembles)! Well done!

    2. Yes! I totally agree! We have tried at student council meetings to give ideas for new classes and activities, but we are shut down most of the time. Great job!

  5. Just last week, ECC took part in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. On one of the days some people in the school watched a movie, Gods Not Dead 2. In the movie the existence of God is proven yet again. The girl being tried for her faith refused to stand down. She was a teacher at a public school that mentioned the name of Jesus in history class after a student asked a question about Him. Going to a Catholic school is so important because no matter what religion you are you are more open to learn about it in an open minded environment. Many characters in the movie were called to the stand in court to prove the existence of God. One of these people was a guy that wrote a book about how God does exist and there is just to much evidence for Jesus no to have been real. This man started out as an atheist and now he goes around proving the existence of God. Catholic schools help on the journey to believe in Jesus Christ and Public schools don’t even allow the name of Him to be spoken. Catholic schools are also a huge help in applying to colleges even public colleges will accept credits for taking a theology class. Catholic schools also follow classical procedure which, in my opinion, help with education and learning skills. Catholic schools also provide children with imagination and encourage the kids to think for themselves. Public schools are so quick to shut down the idea of religion, but in catholic schools we are taught about all religions and are not told we have to believe certain things but it is always there is we want to learn more about it. No school is perfect; kids are mean, teachers are sometimes unreasonable, and rules are always way to specific. One thing that could make my catholic school, Elk County Catholic, better is the use of our iPads. Yes, some kids abuse the fat that we are privileged enough to have iPads but other do not. I can go through a whole day without even touching my iPad, but isn't that a waist? The school pays so much for every student to be in possession of an iPad and we barely use them. In my opinion, we should be able to have our books and notebooks on our iPads instead of carrying 5 books in our bags. Catholic schools are the way to go.

  6. (Part 1) I've always appreciated the Catholic education my parents have been able to grant me, however, it was not until my senior year where I began to cherish every moment at Elk County Catholic- I enter the school at 7:35 a.m. and I am greeted by either Mrs Gebauer or Mr. Strawberry every morning, it's just like when Mr. Hanes would stand outside in the frigid cold and hold the door for students as they entered the school and told them to have a good day. One aspect of catholic schools that I tend to recognize in ECC and neighboring catholic schools is the student - teacher relationships. Teachers of Elk County Catholic genuinely care about the students, interact with them, and make time for students learning and growing. A school shouldn't just be about learning and academics, but in reality, it's about character building. It’s something you attend for eighteen years and it’s what makes you the person you are today. School shouldn’t be “just school.” It should be something you take great responsibility for, appreciate the people that have been put in your life (teachers and peers), and acknowledge that these are the best four years of your life. And that is how I feel about ECC. Elk County Catholic has become a second home for myself and it gives me just that, a place full of individuals who provide me with more than an education, but a chance to discover myself.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The hospitality of catholic school administration is just one high point of attending. Non catholic schools students always ask us with a tone of usual judgement, "Do you like those don't you get sick of them?" I think my fellow classmates can agree with me saying that the uniforms are more of a convenience than a hinder, and more of a comfort than discontent. However, the uniforms we wear is what society looks at; our uniforms are the brand of faith. We stand for a faith incorporated education and a school that is free to converse about Jesus, the Bible, prayer, and the celebration of Mass. While some of us watched a movie for catholic schools week, I watched something more. That movie... that movie symbolized the attack that Christians are receiving in public education systems, and students of the Elk County Catholic School System can wake up every morning knowing they will not be discriminated for asking about Jesus, in fact, they are encouraged to inquire about Him and the faith. It is a great feeling knowing that Catholic Schools can provide that freedom for students. This is the type of freedom that matters. Incorporating my faith and Jesus into many of my studies, I believe, have accounted into my success, academically and spiritually. I am given the ability to apply my faith to just about everything, and through that, it makes things make sense. With this, the academics that are supplied by the school is that of an overarching learning experience. The school goes above and beyond to make sure that its students are very well prepared in various ways and in various criteria's. It's a humbling thought knowing that once I graduate, my knowledge and applications to subjects are achieved with the great support of the school system. With every joy comes a sadness. That "sadness" to Elk County Catholic is the desecration of academic assemblies because it's said to "take away from classroom time." For these assemblies that were put on were informational to occupations, success and hardships, and past alum life stories after graduating. If the hierarchy of the school still allows pep rallies that take an hour out of the day to be held every once in awhile, why can't students congregate in the auditorium for academic assemblies. Pep rallies are important for school spirit and connectivity, but I feel the academic assemblies are worth more than any cheer led assembly.

  9. I absolutely love being raised in a Catholic School! A Catholic School is where one can develop personal relationships with their teachers and classmates, wear uniforms, and have the freedom to deepen their faith. I do truly love knowing everyone in my junior class and at least one of their family members. I have made so many personal relationships with classmates. Honestly, I have found myself saying "hello" to everyone in the stair well. That is one of the reasons why I
    love my Catholic School because I have made so many friendships with the people I have been with since preschool. Not only have made personal connections with my peers, but also with my teachers. I found that it is easier to understand the lessons in school and enjoy school more when I started to create personal connections with my teachers. My teachers have always helped me to understand the lessons in school at my own speed, but only in high school did I really start making personal connections with my teachers. I have learned that since Catholic Schools are always smaller than regular schools, these personal connection are more obtainable. Another reason I love attending a Catholic School is because of the uniforms. I like that I can wake up in the morning and not care about what I'm wearing because everyone has to wear the same outfits. This allows the students to look at others' personalities and what they have to offer instead of just looking at them from an outward appearance. Some may argue that uniforms forbid students to express themselves, but I feel the opposite. Uniforms allow students to express themselves with their uniqueness of their personalities instead of their outward appearances. In a Catholic School, we also have the luxury of a theology class every day as well as celebrating mass each week. I have found that being able to talk about and practice my faith in school is a luxury. I can not imagine what my life would be like if I did not go to a Catholic School because my friends and I talk about our faith all the time in school. I have found that my Catholic School is a big part of my life, and has shaped me into the person I am today.

    Although there are many amazing aspects about Elk County Catholic, there is one set back that has always been a problem and challenge I have had to face. This problem is the lack of the arts in Elk County Catholic. Do not get me wrong, we do have a great visual art class and language classes, but I'm seeking a music theory class, a chorus class where students learn singing techniques, performances of plays (a play is when there is just acting we do musicals, but everyone calls them plays), doing more than one musical a year, and independent music classes. I understand we have a small school and we do not have the "money for it", but I feel if we really wanted to increase the arts we could make it happen. Due to the lack of the arts in Elk County Catholic, I have recently started to go out of town to deepen my knowledge of my art which has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. Since I have a vocal teacher and I am active in multiple singing competitions and other singing opportunities, I have a large amount of music to learn year round. Due to this fact, last year I asked if I could take an independent music class so I could spend some time in school learning my music. This class is not new, in fact a few students when I was a freshman took this class, but sadly the school said that I wouldn't be allowed to take an independent music class and that they would no longer offer it. Even though I provide my own education of my art, all I asked was for time in school to practice, but I was deprived of my art. I want to make this change in our school. This is my passion, and I want more people to be able to express themselves and love the arts as much as I do. Elk County Catholic needs to increase the arts.

    1. I agree 100% with your views on our arts program. Hopefully they get a little more love in the future. Well said

  10. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but I'm not exactly 100% happy that I was in a Catholic school all my life. I've thought of transferring so many times, so much so that this year might actually be my last. That being said, there are certain aspects of the Catholic school that I'm ridiculously thankful for having. One of these is the teachers. I never really considered how much my teachers have done for me until I entered my sophomore year of high school. This was around the time I started loving writing and English. The teachers are what brought me closer to the subject and made me love it even more (shoutout to Mr. Daghir and Mrs. Messineo). The teachers at this school aren't like the ones at the public school, and I've met both. The teachers at the Catholic school have been so caring and concerned with my education over the years, and I can't thank them enough for it. Granted, we have a few teachers that just want their paychecks, but more often than not, they're only concern is making sure their students succeed. The other ing I love is the music program we have. It might just look like a bunch of band kids interrupting a football game to some, but nobody really knows what it's like until they join. I was welcomed with open arms my first year, I was around people I didn't talk to much before I joined. Now, they're my closest friends in the whole building. They're like a family to each other, and they really care about each other. There's always drama, but everyone still cares about each other in the end. If I do end up not coming back next year, it's going to kill me to leave them. They're the primary reason I still attend a Catholic school. I guess if I had to pick a third thing I love about the school, it'd be some of the values and morals my teachers have told me over the years. True, I disagree with a lot of their beliefs, but the school made me a pro-life person. Thanks to some graphic and disturbing presentations provided by my theology teachers, I know the dangers of what it does, and it really changed my outlook on how the world around me works. That being said, I of course have complaints about the school. The one that bothers me the most is the closed-mindedness of some of the students and faculty. A few of them don't respect my ideas and plug their ears when I speak. I try to give people a new outlook on certain things, to provide a new perspective. When I try things like this, a lot of times I'm looked at like I just committed a felony. I know these people are everywhere, but it's rampant at the Catholic school. I also can't stand the dress code, shouldn't really have to explain how that's been a struggle for me, personally. I've also been upset by the little to no affection our fine arts programs are shown. It bothers me that the football and basketball teams are worshipped at ECC while the band, choir, guard, and drumline are sort of just "there." I've had my ups and downs with this school, but there's certain things about it I'd kill to keep for the rest of my life. No matter where I end up in the future, I can always look back on the good times I had when I attended a Catholic school. To quote Whitesnake, "I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been."

  11. 1. I love being at the catholic school because of the size. Our school is the perfect size, it's not too small but it's not big. The smaller size allows us students to know all the other students, and a lot of them on a more personal level. At public schools there were so many students it was hard to know everyone, whereas here I know almost everyone.
    2. Another thing I love is the uniforms. It gives all students equality in what they wear so no one can judge anyone for the clothes they wear and what they have because everyone has the same thing to wear.
    3. The third thing I love is how caring and understanding the teachers are. Since the classes are smaller you can get more one and one time with them. But along with that they actually care about you. I know from experience at a public school that they're not as caring as our school is.

    I think something that could be changed is the honors and high honors goals. I think where they had it last year was okay but I think moving the goal up made a lot of students give up thinking they won't make the cut. Their focus is probably to get students to work harder but I think they don't try as hard because it's really hard for some people to get the grades.
    Another thing I think we could improve is having more options for electives. Our school doesn't give much for the students who are into the arts and music. We have a lot of options for math and science classes but not some students want to take two or three math classes, and they'd rather take music lessons or more art classes.

  12. There are so many reasons that I love our Catholic school. Sometimes, we tend to take some of the biggest advantages of our school for granted, such as "everyone knowing each other." I struggle the most with appreciating this one because I understand how it feels to believe that you can't change what anyone thinks of you no matter what you do to change. That is a problem, for sure, but the advantages to everyone knowing you are so much greater. Whenever you are in trouble, there is someone around who knows you and can therefore sense that something is wrong and either help or inform someone who can. Also, because everyone knows the things that are going on in our small school, so much support is given during a difficult time. The second reason that I love our Catholic school is that we all have one thing that brings us together: our faith. It dictates our actions and words, sometimes without us even knowing, and creates an amazing environment. One that is filled with love. Finally, the small class sizes are a wonderful aspect of our school. It is wonderful to have a connection with your teacher and not be filled with fear in asking questions. Also, smaller classes give us a chance to form bonds with each other. For example, last semester I had sociology. During our short time together, my class became incredibly close and I am now friends with people I never thought I would be like Lauryn or Cassidy. It is truly a blessing. My biggest problem is you our school is the attitudes of teachers. I feel like many if them fail to appreciate the fun that is involved in high school and just want it all to be work. I'm not sure how we could fix that though.
