Friday, January 25, 2019

Rime of the Ancient Mariner

PSA-Check your email for week one Frankenstein Questions

Choose an essay topic. Once a topic has been chosen 3 times, it is closed.
  1. 1.Make a case for why the Ancient Mariner stops and tells his tale to the Wedding Guest of all people. In your analysis, consider the Hermit, to whom the Ancient Mariner tells his tale for the first time.

  2. 2.How does Coleridge use Christian and/or Biblical references to weave a moral into "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? Is the moral itself Christian? Why or why not? Be sure to use at least two of the following categories of evidence in your analysis: symbolism, setting, numbers, baptism, crucifixion, original sin.

  3. 3.How does Coleridge portray the natural world before and after the Ancient Mariner shoots the Albatross? Is there a major change? Use evidence pertaining to symbolism, metaphor, and rhyme scheme to support your thesis.

  4. 4.In your opinion, is the Ancient Mariner's punishment for killing the Albatross fair? Whose fate is worse, the Ancient Mariner's or the sailors'? Why?

  5. 5.Give at least three examples of liminal spaces in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and analyze their significance, if any, to Coleridge's ultimate message to the reader.

  6. 6.Discuss Coleridge's use of imagery throughout "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". How does he use sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell to inform the reader's experience of the story? Which senses do you think he emphasizes the most, and why?

  7. 7.Analyze the importance of the First Voice and Second Voice. To what realm do they belong, the physical or metaphysical? Why do you think Coleridge includes their points of view in the poem?

  8. 8.Choose one of the following pairs of characters and analyze the similarities and differences in how they are portrayed and what role they serve: the sailors and the Albatross, the Hermit and the Wedding Guest, the Hermit and the Ancient Mariner, Life-in-Death and the spirit that loves the Albatross.

  9. 9.Why do you think the Ancient Mariner kills the Albatross? Do his actions make him unusually cruel, or do they connect him to the whole of humanity?

  10. 10.Give varying examples of instances in which someone or something is imprisoned and explain how each contributes to a larger message. Is there any instance in which someone or something that imprisons is then imprisoned, or vice versa?

  11. 11.Analyze "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" as an allegory for one of the following, using points of evidence from each of the poem's seven parts: the writer's purpose, the need for spiritual salvation, environmentalism and/or animal rights.

  12. 12.Which do you think is the more significant motivating force in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner": consequence, or coincidence? Make a case for one or the other using key moments of change in the plot as evidence.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear Mr. President or Dear Madam Speaker

So we have talked a lot over the past week about building a wall, not building a wall, polarization, compromise and ethics in politics. Our grown-ups are at a standstill, so we are respectfully writing as well-informed young people to offer support and encouragement about how the issue might be approached in a less polarizing way. You  may write your letter to either the President or to the Speaker of the house. Do your very best. Use resources. Think, "what would Aristotle think of this letter?" Work hard on it.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Build a Wall, Yea or Nay!

We will end up with two groups for each argument. You need only post one per group. Before you submit, make sure you include a title that indicates whether you are for or against building the wall. Additionally, include all the the names of those in your group at the beginning. Be sure that your argument for either building or not building the wall is NOT POLARIZING! Stick to the directives spelled out by Monsignor Charles Pope at the conclusion of the article.

This might help too:

You can use additional resources if you would like. Do not be afraid to use some of the scriptural and CCCC links in Msg. Pope's article.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I Firmly Resolve

Your assignment this weekend is to complete a "give what you can" tag from the end of the hallway, commit it to memory and post a picture to instagram under the #eccrandomactsofkindess. Your random act of kindness must be completed and posted by Sunday. If you don't have an instagram account, you can send the pic to my email. When you have completed your random act of kindness and have posted a pic, just hop on the blog and say, "Finished" or "done" or "complete".

Also on the wall are "take what you need" envelopes. If you are struggling or know someone who is, grab a little quote and drop it somewhere they might see it! Have a good weekend. Let's catch our breath before the next quarter begins!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Deliberative Rhetoric-Sales Pitch

You are going to take a shot this weekend at deliberative rhetoric. You are going to either persuade the audience to buy your item by offering its advantages, or dissuade them from buying it by detailing its disadvantages.

Here is a list from which to choose

cell phone
in ground swimming pool at your house
a gym membership
a goldfish
Great Dane
a big screen tv
subscription to Netflix
a deep fryer
slime supplies
a sauna
couch covers
a candy delivery service
a shed for the backyard
sugary cereal

Once an item has been chosen and is argued both ways, it is off the table. Have a good time with this one. 250 word minimum