Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear Mr. President or Dear Madam Speaker

So we have talked a lot over the past week about building a wall, not building a wall, polarization, compromise and ethics in politics. Our grown-ups are at a standstill, so we are respectfully writing as well-informed young people to offer support and encouragement about how the issue might be approached in a less polarizing way. You  may write your letter to either the President or to the Speaker of the house. Do your very best. Use resources. Think, "what would Aristotle think of this letter?" Work hard on it.


  1. Dear President Donald J. Trump,

    On behalf of the students of Elk County Catholic High School, I am writing to you to express our concerns regarding the fiscal year budget of 2019 and the border wall, which has contributed to the federal government shutdown. Given that the political climate has developed into a screaming match that no longer favors the democracy that this nation stands upon, we feel the need to express our concerns through our use of the First Amendment right of freedom of speech so that these issues may be addressed through diplomacy, rather than the chaotic environment that is modern day politics. As a school that resides in one of the forty-eight rural counties inside of the Keystone State, Pennsylvania, we would like to heavily express our concerns regarding the environmental impact a fifteen foot wall would have on the ecosystem in the area surrounding the wall, otherwise referred to as “no man’s land.”

    Given that 1,506 native animal and plant species’ environments are already bisected by the current border wall, that was built as a result of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 that was signed into legislation by the former president, George W. Bush, the new proposal of a fifteen foot wall more than two thousand miles long could have unforeseen effects on the ecosystem surrounding the wall. Historically if you look back to the near extinction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park, the intention was for the benefit of farmers surrounding the National Park, but the unforeseen effect of messing with the ecosystem was that it lead to the overpopulation of sick or even injured elk in the national park, similar affects could occur around the new border wall. Animals migrate between the United States and Mexico along with the seasonal changes, South during the winter and North during the summer, so that they can follow the green vegetation that they need to eat to survive. If you cut off their source of vegetation a large majority of prey in the ecosystem will die off as a result of Darwinism, which will lead to predators not having enough food and as a result they will also starve and the population will dwindle. Another unforeseen effect of building in a natural environment, that is also seen in Pennsylvania on a minor scale, is flooding. As the ground is being dug up and shifted around the soil in the area becomes dry and loose because the vegetation that holds the soil together dies off. The Department of Conservation of Natural Resources are now working along with the state to build retaining walls to avoid this and managers are being sent for training courses in aquatic organism passage when building bridges. As students from a rural area that wants the conservation of natural resources we would like to request that the border will follow all environmental policies put into place so that the ecosystem and the environment around the wall will continue to thrive.

  2. The fiscal year budget proposal of 2019 is estimated to take away some funding from Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security over the grounds of building a border wall, but we believe the effectiveness of a wall will be very little. Given that illegal entries across the United States Mexican border has already decreased 91% since the year 2000, we believe the efforts to keep illegals out needs to start within the United States with overstays of green cards. We need to find leverage to get sanctuary cities to work with ICE in order to get the illegal immigration under control inside of the United States because if someone is breaking the law then they need to be punished and if they have stayed as long as ten years then they have had ample time to apply for a visa or work towards their U.S. citizenship, there is no need to protect these people who are breaking the laws when legal immigrants are waiting to get into the United States. When it comes to the budget, funding should not be cut from Medicare or Medicaid given that only one in five doctors accept it. This could lead to even more doctors not accepting or treating those with these insurance policies, which is why Nancy Pelosi will not allow this legislation to go through. The issue democrats have with the wall is not that it is a wall it is that the estimated cost has been jumping between anywhere from $5 billion to $21 billion, which will add to the nation’s already ever-growing debt. What needs to happen is that for now, the wall will have to be put off until the 2020 budget proposal where extra money can be saved so that the budget will be less of a concern and politicians need to review the environmental impacts of this wall and plan around them.

    1. You still have yet to answer me on what is stopping people from just walking across the border after they've been deported. Constant re-deportations will be much more expensive than a wall. The initial investment is high, but the longevity of it far outweighs the price tag.

    2. I'm less concerned with the price tag and more concerned where the money for the price tag is coming from, cuts from Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security could have detrimental effects on the elderly who use them, which has also been brought up as a concern by Nancy Pelosi. Also, Bruce you do realize that a majority of illegal immigrants come here legally on visas and green cards, right? So, if you deport them they're more likely to come back again legally, not across the border. The environmental impact of this shouldn't be ignored and your solution to "build troughs" or have "small holes in the wall where they can pass through" is naive at best, if they are going to build this wall they should follow all the conversationalist acts put into place that way it doesn't destroy the ecosystem. I would agree with you on the wall if they intended on following all the conversationalist acts put into place, but sadly it's being written off as a "national security necessity" so they don't have to follow these acts.

    3. Logan very well written but I do agree with Bruce. As of now nothing is stopping the immigration beside a few security points that are extremely easy to get around. Eventually the expenses will add up and equal the same amount as the wall if not more.

    4. Ok so how is it not a national security necessity. If you actually look at the numbers provided by ICE and related agencies, illegal immigration is rising even with extensive sanctions on visas and green cards. Also, I didn't say they were the best ideas, the trough and holes(I never said anything about holes), but if you constantly keep demanding how I am going to fix it when Im no expert on the matter, then I am going to try my best to answer it. You are not providing any long term solutions better than cameras and deporting people who can just as easily walk right back in, literally and metaphorically.

  3. Dear President Donald John Trump,

    My fellow students and I of Elk County Catholic High School have recently held a seminar on the topic of building a border wall, creating a compromise, and the effect polarization has on these decisions. The government shutdown is now entering its 29th day and this situation is looking more bleak the longer it continues. However I, myself, was a part of the group in favor of the wall, but I believe a compromise is necessary in such tough times. In the past, Democrats were highly in favor of a bill which allowed the construction of a border fence. This same party’s views on how illegal immigration should be handled have changed drastically however.

    It is true the passing of the Secure Fence Act was a step in the right direction. The border fence further deterred those trying to enter our Country, which is the intention of the proposed border wall. Because of the current political climate, this solution may not be viable and a compromise favoring both sides should be considered. In this proposed compromise both Republicans and Democrats would be satisfied and if a compromise is reached, the partial government shutdown will cease. So what would this agreement consist of? First off our nation’s security should be a major priority in the planning of this deal. Without building a border wall, which would take several years to pass legislation and even begin construction , a more immediate solution should be thought of. An increased spending on border security should be made necessary in this pact. Also, some immigration laws should be revised as a lot of foreign workers have a lot to offer this country in terms of their skills. A proposed solution could include a simplified application process for citizenship. This system for attaining citizenship is quite difficult, even for those with a spotless record. Also, the deal would include an increased spending on border security. This money could be put towards replacing missing fence, deploying more soldiers to our borders, and new technology at the Mexico-USA line. This new technology could include the use of infrared technology, new guard towers, and other efforts to keep potential threats out of the country. At the current moment, the USA is not in a good place with the longest government shutdown in history. Only when both sides are willing to speak to each other and reach an agreement can we move forward united as a country and begin to tackle future problems in a more efficient way.

    1. Isaac, I'll have to disagree with you on making it easier to become a U.S. Citizen or even getting a green card. The way it is formatted is purposefully difficult because A. it's a precautionary measure and B. we only want those who are dedicated to becoming a citizen. If we allow anyone to get citizenship or a green card then the U.S. will be overwhelmed with new immigrants. I can see where you're coming from, but even if they come here legally it's statistically found that they are more likely to overstay their visas and thus become illegal once again. From the news reports I've seen reporting on Nancy Pelosi's point of view on the wall it's less of an issue of building a wall there and more of an issue of how much it costs and what is being cut in order to fund it. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security all are going to be cut in order to fund the wall and democrats disagree with this approach because elder's livelyhoods depend on these programs and defunding them will lead to a decrease in support of the Medicare and Medicaid, a form of healthcare only 1 in 5 doctors accept within the United States.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your ICE number is wrong according to


      Page 8 shows nearly 400,000 initial book-ins. It isn't fear mongering. If you combine DUI's and Dangerous Drugs according to page 4, they account for 40% of arrests on illegal aliens. Just because they make up 3% of crime means it's okay.

  5. Dear Madam Speaker, Nancy Pelosi,

    I am writing to you today in regards to the never ending debate about the wall across the Mexican boarder. We as Americans love our country and want to do everything to defend our rights as citizens. Many years ago our families came into the country legally and worked hard to give me the life I have today. My class and I have been debating weather to build the wall or not and I have been on the side of building the wall since the start. If we use the 5 billion or so dollars the government has set aside for boarder security to build this wall now it will save us much money in the future. Everyday people walk back and forth across our boarders weather it be smuggling drugs, children or other goods. I’m sure you already know that each illegal immigrant costs around 80,000 dollars. The money we spend on them can add up fast causing us to lose more money for future generations like me and my children. One of the main lessons my teacher is trying to ingrain into our heads is in every argument we can not be polarized. Being for one side and not listening to the other side like our government does so very well is why we are currently at a standstill in the wall epidemic. The wall will provide us with security against illegal aliens. Along with this we can help use the boarder to help all the people in poverty by having main entry point we’ll maintained that will help people almost like homeless centers. Along with helping the immigrants it will also create more Americans jobs. This is just one example of a comprise but it is not the only solution. The wall will help keep America safe for years to come. It will also need to be maintained which will create more government jobs. I know you are extremely busy and are probably really stressed out but I hope you have taken the time to read this letter and I hope you and Donald Trump can come to a non polarized agreement that will benefit our beautiful country.

    Thank you and God bless,
    Elk County Catholic High School student, Ben Hoffman

    1. Ben I have a few issues with your letter, for one the government didn't "set aside" money, they're taking away some of the funding for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security which would drastically change a lot of American's lives, if you want further information jump up to my letter and read the issue with the budget portion. Secondly, ICE has only detained 250,000 illegal immigrants in the last year when the 60% who came here legally and overstayed their visas and green cards still remain within our borders in sanctuary cities where the city chooses not to cooperate with ICE. Plus, fear mongering on the drug and human trafficking isn't going to work considering immigrants only make up 3% of the crimes inside of the United States.

    2. Your ICE number is wrong according to


      Page 8 shows nearly 400,000 initial book-ins. It isn't fear mongering. If you combine DUI's and Dangerous Drugs according to page 4, they account for 40% of arrests on illegal aliens. Just because they make up 3% of crime means it's okay.

    3. I would have liked if you elaborated a bit more on how the wall would help. Just preventing illegal immigrants wouldn’t be enough to convince Nancy Pelosi.

  6. Dear Mr. President,

    I would like to take a moment of your time to discuss with you my junior classes thoughts on the wall. We come from a relatively rural part of Central PA, so I think most of us are able to make sound decisions and conduct good discussions, absent of political nonsense. With that being said, I am going to try and relay the concerns of my fellow classmates to the best of my ability.
    The, dare I say, loudest concern of my classmates is of the environment. While this may be valid to some point, I advise you to bring in true experts from the area to determine the extent of the severity and methods of mitigating the effect. There is a deeper discussion to be had on the obligation of the human race to keep endangered species alive, but that is for you and someone beyond my knowledge. The only thing I can say for certain is this. The environment will be much faster at adapting to a wall than the American people to the incessant flow of illegal aliens. Please prioritize the American people, but do it responsibly.
    The context of the wall also seems to be a point of contention. Many media outlets and Americans seem to see the wall as a deterrent to immigration as a whole. One article says to “Build Bridges, not Walls.” I would advise you to make clear that this wall is to stop the immediate and future flow of illegal immigrants and to buy our leaders time to reform the immigration system to give the people in need the help they deserve. The wall’s purpose isn’t to say we don’t want to help, it’s to say we can’t help right now and we’re working on a solution, but we need time. The current system weighs far too much on the American people and the nation as a whole. Do not let it be misconstrued that the wall is to stop immigration when it is designed to slow down illegal immigration. It would also be wise to point out that having the wall can allow more resources be devoted to other points of entry and dealing with those who overstay their visas. You must make clear the long term goals and positives of the wall.
    The next major point of interest is concerning the budget itself. Many suggest taking the money and putting it towards other social services like Social Security. While I do not think this is how the budget works, I would again like to cite the long run of this move. Immediately, $5.9 or so billion will burn up very fast. Compared to the total budget, it is something like 0.07%, a very small amount of the budget. Even more short sighted is the fact that many illegal aliens come in and get SSNs that they shouldn’t. This means that at least a fraction of the money will go to people it doesn’t belong to. Looking at the long run, reducing the amount of illegal aliens in this country and preventing their unlawful return will take enough stress off the economy to allow us to dedicate money and resources to SS and our veterans. This point is essential to a large amount of the discussion.
    My last point is in regards to how I think you should approach the situation. Most of the arguments on both sides are a result of a sort of tribalism and stubbornness. It is imperative for you to approach it with the utmost respect of both sides, but be firm and to the point. Do not attack without a clear and direct reason that is objectively detrimental to the discussion; Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to leave the country is a great example of this. Do not be generous with your language; clarity is the best option in a time like this.
    I hope I have done a good enough job to express the concerns of my classmates and the rest of the nation in a clear fashion. I hope you will take the correct avenues of approach with experts in each field to make sure the wall is done correctly. Finally, on behalf of my class and my school, we thank you for your time and consideration and we hope you make the best decision for our nation, whatever it may be.

    Elk County Catholic High School, Class of 2020

    1. I think this is written very well. You definitely know your audience and use a lot of statistics and references to back your arguments. And it is written with that high style appropriate for such a letter. Very good!

    2. Bruce, I appreciate the way that you explained the need for respect and clarity. You approached the letter with a lot of maturity and I respect that. Nice job.

    3. You clearly did your research and made sure that you knew what you were talking about. I like how you wrote to the level of knowledge of the reader, and also how you included the concerns of the whole class. Good job!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump,

    First, I would like to thank you for all you have done for this country in the past years. You have aided in making this country great, ranging from the creation of millions of new jobs all the way to the movement of the United States Embassy to Jerusalem.
    I am writing to you on the behalf of the Advanced Placement Language and Composition class at Elk County Catholic High School. Even though we live in a small, overlooked rural area in Pennsylvania, we would like to express to you what we have learned in the past week. We have been studying the rhetoric surrounding and attempting to come to an understanding of the debate over the border wall. Our class recently held a socratic seminar to go over the possibilities of what to do in this crisis. We would like to address you on the matter of the border wall.
    We all agreed that we do need to protect our border, however, many of us were at odds of how to accomplish that. Many people agreed with the need for the border to have a wall, equally, people had concerns about the construction of the wall. There are many concerns on both sides as you know. Those in support of the wall are concerned about how protected our borders if they were to be left open. Fear of possible terror attacks and leaving our country venerable is a horrifying reality if we leave our country’s borders opened. On the other side, people are scared of the militarization of the border as well as the potential dehumanization of the refugees who find themselves there. We are also thinking about the money and if there would still be a way to protect the boarders ecosystem.
    Through our discussion, we concluded that it is crucial to have a secure border and protect ourselves from any type of danger. The dilemma we discovered, however, would be the detention centers. We discovered that the detention centers are unclean and in poor condition. All humans have dignity, therefore, they should not be treated as animals starving, dehydrated, scared, and exhausted in cages. We should give them food and other necessities like how we aided Haiti in 2010 during the earthquake. The building of the wall will destroy a whole ecosystem and cause many animals to go extinct. It seemed everything we agreed on would cost additional money. We all concurred that we must do the most for our nation while aiding those in need.
    To be able to come to an agreement, we must remain open minded, but, not to lose our assertiveness. As the great philosopher Aristotle concluded, a sophist has come to signify the deliberate use of fallacious reasoning. We must not be sophists, shutting each other down; instead, we need to be rhetors supporting each other to find a common ground and a common good. Take what you know is to be true from what they are saying to reach the common good seems to be the best option at this point. Keeping our government in shutdown will just leave us vulnerable. This cannot be an issue of the “Democrats” figuring out a solution, or the “Republicans” finding a way to help. This issue needs to be that we, together, are discovering a plain to help our country be greater than ever before. As the thirty-fifth President of the United States, former President John F. Kennedy, stated on January 20, 1961 during his inauguration, “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”

    Your fellow American citizen,
    Elk County Catholic High School student, Grace Keyes

    1. I thought this letter was very well written. I especially liked how you took a different approach and explored the detention centers and how they related to the overall topic.

  9. Dear Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

    I am writing to you on behalf of the Elk County Catholic High School AP Language and Composition class. We recently held a seminar where our goal was to establish a compromise between the two polarizing opinions on the border wall. Given the extreme tension between the Democratic and Republican Parties, we thought it was necessary to place ourselves in your shoes to better understand just how hostile this debate has become. The government has been partially shut down for 29 days as of the day I am writing this. Since the main cause of this shutdown is the reluctance to change opinions on the border wall, we took this argument into our own hands and attempted to resolve the issue.

    For our seminar, we separated ourselves equally into the two opposing sides of the debate. I was selected to be on the side favoring the wall and had to create a compromise. After multiplied days of research, I believe that there is a possibility for both parties to agree on a resolution. I have come up with a compromise that will hopefully satisfy both parties. This plan will give the Republican Party its wall and the Democratic Party its satisfaction of ample immigrants. I believe that the border wall should be built to limit the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States. It is not that we hate what is on the outside of our country, it is that we love what is on the inside and want to protect it. Therefore, the wall will protect U.S. citizens from foreign aliens and the possibility of harm. However, the border wall does not mean that immigrants will not be able to enter the United States. Since the main highway of entrance into the United States from Mexico is through the Rio Grande, I believe that the wall will then funnel all immigrants to this area. This is not a bad situation, though, because we can then monitor all immigrants attempting to enter the United States. To limit the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States, I propose that there should be large facilities or outposts surrounding the Rio Grande area that will act as an “Ellis Island.” Here, immigrants will be able to fill out the paperwork to obtain a visa or green card. Since all immigrants will be applying for citizenship at the Rio Grande, the wait time for a green card or visa will be limited because these outposts will be the distributor of green cards or visas. These facilities at the border wall will provide people with an opportunity to work for the government and no longer be unemployed. This proposal is just at the brainstorming stage, but I believe that it could form into an actual compromise between the Democratic and Republican Parties.


    Gabriel Kear, Elk County Catholic High School Class of 2020

    1. I like that it is short and to the point. However, I just think that you focused a lot on our class and quite honestly, I don't think she cares. I think you could've added some more on actual, concrete ideas. I know this is at the brainstorming stage but I don't think that this really tackles many of the problems that she has with the wall, like budget and physical applications. Again, I like how you wrote it but I just would've liked to see a little more.

    2. It is neat that you said we are envisioning ourselves in their shoes. I also like how you described our way of trying to resolve the issue. Nice work!

    3. I believe that you did a great job of addressing what needed to be said, while not adding any useless information. Good job man!

  10. Dear Mr. President,
    I am writing to you today on behalf of the student body of Elk County Catholic High School. I have been following the debate over the proposed border wall for some time. As you already very well know, this debate has become a heated topic and has divided not just the government, but many American citizens. This situation is tricky because both sides understandably do not want to give in to the demands of the other. My question then is that if any progress is to be made and this issue is to be resolved, is there some kind of middle ground that would satisfy the two sides?
    Being that this is a complicated issue facing the government, the solution is not going to be very apparent. However, in most difficult problems there is always a point of compromise somewhere. I think that a possible solution could arise if all the options were laid out on the table and each side discussed what would make them feel safe. According to a recent survey conducted by The Hill, “Thirty-four percent said a border wall was ‘the best path for making America safer at its borders,’ while thirty-one percent said it was ‘totally unnecessary and not worth the expense.’ Thirty-five percent of respondents said they believed that Americans need border security, but there are better options for securing the border.” I want to draw your attention to the last part- most Americans agree that there is a reasonable compromise to this situation.
    It would be useless to write a letter explaining that there is a better way to make this decision without providing a suggestion for compromise. One possible solution could be to increase border security by employing people to patrol certain sections of the border. This could provide more jobs for Americans while avoiding the debt that building the wall will bring. For the areas of high conflict, the people would have to be trained very well or maybe the military could step in.
    Another solution is that we could provide information centers around the border to help immigrants to attain the citizenship status. Many of these illegal immigrants are in the county because they have overstayed their visas. According to The Washington Post, “In fiscal year 2016, for instance, the Department of Homeland Security estimated 628,799 people who had previously entered the country legally overstayed their visa that year.” The Washington Post also said, “A September 2017 Office of Immigration Statistics data brief estimated that in fiscal year 2016, the latest year for which complete data is available, there were 170,000 successful illegal border crossings occurring outside of authorized ports of entry. That's down roughly 90 percent since 2000, and it's about one-seventh of the roughly 1.2 million immigrants who obtained lawful permanent resident status via a green card, according to the Department of Homeland Security.” These studies show that many of the people entering the country are entering legally, and are not becoming illegal immigrants until they have overstayed their visas. The best way to remedy this, in my opinion is to reform the current immigration policies our country currently holds and give immigrants easy access to the methods of becoming a citizen. Given this information, the government should be focusing more on how to catch the illegal immigrants once their green cards have already expired.
    Unfortunately, there is not just one way to deter all of the people looking to cross the border. People are smart, and they will find a way over sooner or later. Maybe the border wall is the answer to our problems, and then again, maybe it’s not. However, I feel that all of the options haven’t yet been exhausted. In light of the current partial government shutdown, I humbly ask of you to review and consider the points I have made. Along with this, I am aware that you are a very busy person and on behalf of the students of Elk County Catholic High School, I would like to thank you for taking valuable time out of your day to read what I have to say.

    Sophie Neubert

    1. It is very clear you did your research and are well-informed on the current status of the government, Sophie. Nice job!

    2. You certainly did your research here and you definitely know your stuff! Good job! Excellent work.

  11. Dear Mr. President,

    First, I would like to acknowledge that I think you have a very good stance on the necessity of a wall and of a secure border. However, I also think that this wall is causing and will cause many negative effects. Primarily, this whole conversation is bringing a lot of light on you, sir. And a large portion of it is in the negative light. I think that this is something that you should try to minimize, because no matter how well a wall will work, if the people are largely unhappy with you, that does not bode well for you. Especially with the next Presidential election coming up, if you choose to run and want to win, you need the people to be on your side! Essentially, I am urging you to consider a slightly different route that will cause less detrimental effects on the nation and on your public image.
    A wall is a great idea, but a physical wall is a basic answer to a difficult problem, and one that could have a plethora of issues regarding the environment if implemented. I propose that you turn to more modern technology to build a “virtual wall.” The modern advancements in cameras and other sensory technologies have made them a worthwhile alternative to securing the border. The combination of infrared cameras and aerial/underground sensors can provide a full picture of the movement near the border at a fraction of the cost. These technologies can alert the necessary people when there is potential action and troops can be employed to then investigate and stop these attempts at illegally crossing the border. This answer is substantially less expensive and a more “friendly” answer to the problem. And ultimately, it is unlikely that a physical wall could actually stop people from crossing. A technological approach at this issue is a more efficient and modern method of stopping it.
    But a wall, physical or otherwise, still does not address the issue of drug or people trafficking nor visa overstays. This is where a heightened and more thorough implementation of background checks and security officers at the entry ports on the border would be needed. And, as you know, more aliens are overstaying their visas after coming here legally than are illegally crossing the border. Addressing this issue would be a much better use of the money and a longer term solution. I suggest that you expand the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit. Which would help to deal with those who overstay their visas and to further implement the Biometric Entry-Exit System at all potential ports of entry. Along with this, I think that some focus should be directed on staffing the Customs and Border Protection agency in order to have the people needed to enforce the borders.
    Overall, you are my president and I will trust in the decision that comes out of this conflict. I trust that there are qualified people behind these changes that have the best interests of the nation in their hearts and minds. And I know that I am not in a position to make any of these decisions. But I do think that the ideas I supplied are the best option to maximize security while minimizing negative impact. I believe that you need not to be a leader of one side that is fighting another, but the voice of the whole nation and speak to the positives of both sides. This option would both advance the security on the border and help to deal with illegal immigrants, while also not being a negative and detrimental effect on the environment, economy, and on your public image. I believe that you need to be the voice of reason, and I believe that this is the best way to accomplish that!

    On behalf of the students of Elk County Catholic High School,
    Sincerely and Respectfully,
    Christopher Brennen,
    Class of 2020

    1. Chris, I think you did a good job on this. It is hard to hit all of the concerns we discussed in class, and I think you did a good job of hitting the major ones and explaining your possible solutions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Christopher, I think you did a great job on your letter to President Trump. With that said, I did seem to notice some flaws. The first being technology in general, my father has the same opinion as you do on the subject of the wall, however, is our technology really that powerful in today’s world? Also, storms and other natural phenomenons can cause a fail in the system. Hacking also is a factor, with the increase in new technology comes an increase in ways to hack that technology. Also, it seemed that you focused mostly on one point. Do you only have one opinion on the wall to speak of? Besides that, I feel it was well written and not offensive in anyway, good job.

    4. I think that yeah, technology has become very advanced, definitely enough for this. And on the topic of advancing technology, a wall is technology from hundreds of years ago, it is tried and true but not too good for a change. And hacking always is a problem with technology, but I'm sure the highest precautions would be taken in order to not have that happen. I tried to cover many of the points in a concise manner, I actually started as for the wall but am now kind of believing a compromise like I stated is better. I think that any solution is going to have risks and downfalls, but I feel that this is a way of minimizing those while optimizing effectiveness.

  12. Dear Madam Speaker,
    This past week my fellow classmates and I have discussed the present political situation regarding immigration and the wall. After a hard week of researching and debating we came across some similar ideas. We were able to agree upon that both Democrats and Republicans must work together. They must put aside their differences and come together to achieve a common good.
    Our class room debates became intense and everyone wanted to injection their own thoughts, and by listening and understanding each sides argument we were able to find common ground. Your debates come at a much higher level, but a common ground can still be found. This debate should not be about who wins or who loses, but who worked together to make an agreement. Both parties are so reluctant to loose that they are unwilling to compromise with the other. I believe both sides understand the need to establish a strong boarder to ensure the safety of those who reside with in America.
    A wall along the Mexican boarder will definitely help mitigate illegal immigrants from entering our country. This will make for less entry points into our country and The United States Boarder Patrol will be able to spot any illegal immigrants who attempt to go around the wall. Just as any debates goes it seem unfair for you to have to give up everything for the President to get what he wants. This is when working together and listening to each person’s argument becomes extremely important. You must fully understand what President Trump would like done on our boarder and comprise to come up with a solution that will fit both of your needs. When both parties continually play offense no decisions can be made, as they become only concerned about their own gain and not .
    This country was founded be people searching for a new start. Americans should feel honored to live in a country were so many people turn for a new beginning. This shows the many great opportunities that are possible in America, and Mexican immigrants are coming to America in search for this new start. It seems unjust to turn away the same type of people who founded this great country, however, we must defend the citizens of America from those who come illegally and bring no benefit to America. You and President Trump must now work together, listening to each other’s ides, to create a plan that ensures the safety of American citizens, and not destroy the idea that started our country.

    Jacob Carnovale
    Elk County Catholic High School

    1. I like how you included that is is important for members of both political parties to work together. I also liked how you described the U.S. as a country where people get a new start. Good work!

    2. You did a good job talking about how we as Americans should feel honored to live in our country. This was well thought out. Nice work!

  13. Dear Mrs. Nancy Pelosi,

    With the most upmost respect, on behalf of my fellow AP Language and Composition classmates, we have been putting forth research, class seminars, and in depth conversations about the controversial border wall topic. I would like to express the views and conclusions that have been formed of compromises to make. I believe that for the safety and well being of our country, it would be in our best interest to build a border wall. While pondering on ideas and solutions it can be easily concluded that both Democrats and Republicans need to put their differences aside and create a compromise on what to do to solve the issues regarding immigration.
    Polarization is a very prominent road block in halting advancement in the situation. Rather than focusing on hate toward each other, we, as a country need mature and helpful leaders. Instead of rooting for failure of each other, friendships and agreements should be built. At the end of the day, the main focus should be the duty to keep the nation safe and secured. We should be willing to accept immigrants as long as they are obeying laws, and properly entering America and becoming legal citizens. Putting up a wall is not a gesture of disrespect, but rather a form of protecting what is inside. There are roughly 10 million immigrants living illegally in America. We are not denying all access to immigrants, we should be welcoming them with open arms, but we need to find a middle ground. Having efficient check points at the border wall and increasing the easy to become citizens can help with the increase of correct ways of immigration. As a country, a government, and as public leaders, it is a duty to compromise. We need a solution and by being polarized, and unwilling to hear the other side, the issue will not be resolved.

    Michelle Gerber
    Elk County Catholic High School Class of 2019

    1. Michelle, I am having a hard time finding your compromise. You were keep saying that we need a compromise, however, all you have was that we need a wall. I do not believe increasing the rate people are coming in is necessarily good. Would that really be safer? Other then that, you did a good job.

  14. Dear Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,

    As a supporter of your actions for taking a stance against President Donald Trump’s proposition for building a border wall between the United States and Mexico, it would be a dishonor to my country if I did nothing but sit and watch as you valiantly stand firm in your battles against injustice. It would be my honor if I could provide you with some encouragement and ideas that could help in this strenuous time in our nation’s history.

    Building bridges is better than building walls. Instead of constructing a thirty foot high steel barrier that extends for hundreds of miles along the southern border, new organizations could be created to help those living illegally in the U.S. find the refuge they fled their homes to discover. If more institutions could be created to help immigrants find their place in American society, a growing economy would ensue. Oftentimes, helping others will help you.

    Instead of taking the strict “nothing for the wall” approach, it would be extremely beneficial if alternatives could be discussed in an attempt to show President Trump the better pathways to take in this situation. It is tough to be told you cannot do something, but it is easy to hear “this is how we can do it better.” Providing alternative options for the construction of the wall would hopefully solve many problems.

    Immigrants are people, and people should help people. This is something that is all too often forgotten. No one knows another’s full story, but it is necessary that actions are taken to provide for their needs. If our country could adopt new methods to prevent immigrants from illegally entering, walls built to keep immigrants out would not be necessary. I know this is easier said than done, but trying is better than doing nothing at all.

    I thank you for being a model of strength in a time when our country needs it. I thank you for standing up for the beliefs of many in this country. I thank you for doing this for the United States.

    As I am only a Junior studying at Elk County Catholic High School, I do not have much experience in politics. But if faith can move mountains, maybe a letter could help you.

    Best of wishes,
    Regis Wortman

    1. I like how you approached this letter. You gave some good ideas. The idea of helping others and they will help you back was a great idea.

    2. I enjoyed what you said as you concluded about faith moving mountains. That was a very good point.

    3. Great Job Regis! I love your choice of words, your quotes, all are well chosen. I especially love you maxim at the end. Good job!

    4. Regis, I like how you are arguing in support on her decision and giving her ideas rather than opposing it. Great job dude!

  15. Dear Mr. President,

    My classmates and I at Elk County Catholic High School have been discussing lately the highly disputed topics of the border wall, polarization, reaching a compromise, and our highly valued ethics within the political world. On behalf of my fellow classmates, I am writing to you to discuss the possibility of a comprise regarding the wall. We understand that you have already proposed a compromise in exchange for funding, but the Democrats disregarded your plans before you could even present them, according to the BBC News Network.

    I was originally against the building of the wall because of the never-ending discussion of immigrants. My upbringing in a catholic school has taught me to be compassionate towards every type of person, and while I still sympathize with legal immigrants, I have listened to the ideas my classmates brought forth and I realized the wall is about much more than immigrants. I believe a compromise needs to be made, especially for the sake of everyone who has already been affected by the government shutdown. I understand that we may have different views regarding immigrants and how they should be treated, but I believe a compromise needs to be made specifically for the betterment of our country. My classmates and I believe there needs to be a much more ethical standpoint regarding the wall. Monsignor Charles Pope has written an article regarding the wall which states, “...Walls are protective , keeping those within secure, providing privacy, and preventing the entry of harmful forces.” Mr. President, I hope you are able to understand that the wall should not be strictly about keeping immigrants out, it should be to keep the people inside protected. My compromise is that if the wall does eventually get built, you will make sure it is to keep those inside safe, and stop focusing all of your attention on the immigrants.

    Carly Renwick
    Elk County Catholic High School, Class of 2020

    1. Good job Carly, you did a nice job establishing your ethos by saying what we as a class have been doing. It is very well put that we need to put our needs first and I believe this is true.

    2. I like how you added that originally you were against the wall and then told why you now want it. I like your compromise as well with not focusing all on immigrants. Good job!

    3. Nice job Carly! I thought your information and points were strong!

  16. Dear Madam Secretary,

    We have seen in the past where our nation has been divided. Most notably of these was with the Civil War in the 1860s, where people fought for freedom and way of life. Many people stood strong on their ideas, and it ended in bloodshed. Yet roughly 150 years later, we stand as a nation divided once more. We once again are fighting for freedom and way of life, of the people crossing the border illegally. We are fighting over a wall, and it's costing the people of the US because of the almost month long government shutdown. Both sides are being stubborn and don't want to give ground to the other side. Yet, we can compromise. If both sides get something, we can stop hurting our amazing nation, and get back to work. We should get the wall, which yes is expensive and would take a lot of time to build, but would be worth it. If these people want to get to the United States so bad, why wouldn't they cross the border legally. Unless they want to bring drugs across or do other illegal actions, there wouldn't be any problems crossing the border normally. These illegal immigrants put a financial burden on the people of the United States, and it's important to get rid of any financial burden for people, so we can strive to be successful. It does not have to be a concrete wall either, just a steel fence that works to. Yet, the Democratic party would be against this if they didn't get anything. For the other side, we shall also give checkpoints on the border, for those seeking abetter life in the US to be able to get financial and situational support. If they are running to the US for a better life, this should absolutely help them in their search. And those who want to bring illegal substances and do illegal things in our country, they can deal with the wall and border patrol. It will also give jobs to people who need jobs, also helping our economy. These checkpoint will also include roads going through them and buildings for said people to do their job in.  Something like a small compound style building would work well. If this idea would be proposed, I believe that this would work. Please Madam Secretary, sometimes people have to be the bigger person. Our President will mostly like not do that, so it's up to you to decide what our country will be like. Learn from the mistakes of the past, and look forward a bright future for my generation, and generations to come.

    Anthony Gerg
    Junior at Elk County Catholic High School

    1. I noticed a few grammatical errors and made for a hard time to understand your point. Good use of a comparison between now and the civil war.

  17. Dear Mrs. Pelosi,
    As a student at the Elk County Catholic High School, I am writing to you in order to voice my opinion concerning the border wall between the United States and Mexico. I am writing to you, hoping you may take a few of my ideas into consideration as you continue on your journey as the speaker of the house. Just as we put fences around our houses and lock our doors at night, the main purpose of the wall is not hating on those outside of it, but merely loving those inside of it. We must protect our land, budget, and freedom that our military fights and protects each day. The students at the Elk County Catholic High School recently held a seminar in order to establish ideas concerning the wall and our countries protection, as well as creating a compromise and discussing the overall negative impact polarization has on our country.

    For the seminar, the AP Language and Composition students separated into two groups for the debate, the team who wants the wall and the team who does not. I was on the team favoring the wall and had to create a compromise with my team. We needed to create a proposal that will give the Republican Party its protective wall and the Democratic Party its countless immigrants. The Rio Grande is a main entrance point from Mexico into the United States, which means we as Americans can build the wall but also add large facilities around the Rio Grande area in order to allow the immigrants to obtain a green card or visa right there and then. We can also monitor all immigrants attempting to enter the United States, which will assure our safety. Just as President Trump concluded in his announcement concerning the partial government shut down and border security, innocent, brave Americans are suffering from our inability to agree upon a compromise. I believe polarization has unfortunately taken over and beat us as a nation at this point, however, I hope together the Republican and Democratic parties can agree for the sake of the Country. The wall will ultimately protect the American citizens not only from illegal immigrants but smuggling and trafficking as well. Several desires of the Democratic Party are also offered by President Trump at this point, therefore, I believe a compromise is in reach. These facilities will provide people with opportunities to work and find happiness, just as we all wish for our citizens. As a class we hope that some of our brainstorms could form into an actual compromise between the Democratic and Republican Parties. Thank you for your time, God bless.

    Emily Constable
    Elk County Catholic High School, Class of 2020

    1. I really like you letter Emily, it flowed well and gave a good arguement. Nice job

  18. Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump,

    I am writing to you today on behalf of my friends and classmates in my language class at Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania. I am specifically writing to you on behalf of those that believe that the idea of building the wall should be abolished. However, the point of this letter is not to strike and argument, but to provide your with nonpolarizing alternatives to building the wall.
    First of all, from and economical standpoint, I believe that the wall is very unreasonable. The funding for the wall would almost eclipse over 22 billion. This would deliver another blow to the trillions of dollars that America already has in debt. Instead, security at the border could be inhanced and following of immigrants in America could be more closely monitored for a much lesser cost.
    Another topic of concern in regards to a wall being built is the aspect of morality. As a nation, we are taught to be open-minded, sociable, and to not put up barriers toward others. However, the funding of this wall will literally do just that. An idea that was given in class on Friday would be a smarter, safer, and more moral approach. The idea was to implant help centers near the border in order for immigrants to receive their visas and green cards so that they can enter into the United States. It is important, Mr. President, that we as Americans seek out the trust of other countries in order to make the world a better place. This goal can only be accomplished through the kickstart from the United States of America. The wall may theoretically provide a safe haven for citizens of the United Stars, but in all reality the end does not justify the means.

    I appreciate it greatly for hearing me out and I would hope that you take these ideas into consideration. On behalf of my classmates at Elk County Catholic High School, thank you Mr. Trump.


    1. Bryce, I really liked how you put the compromise that was mentioned in class. Good job!

  19. Dear Madam Speaker,
    I am writing to you to encourage you to reach a compromise on the issue of the border wall. A few days ago, my Language and Composition class held a seminar to discuss this polarizing issue, to try and think of a compromise, that would satisfy both sides. We hail from a Elk County, a rural area in Northern Pennsylvania, obviously not an area near the border, but, due to the government shutdown, we have become affected by this issue. Many citizens of our area are government workers, and this shutdown has harmed their families and financial prospects. I personally agree with you that there should not be a border wall, but there must be a compromise in order to get Americans back to work. During our seminar, several options were discussed to protect the right of a country to protect its border, and the obligation that wealthy countries, such as ours, to help immigrants and refugees, fleeing to safety. One suggestion, made by my classmate, was that there would be several immigration stations along our southern border, where immigrants could be processed, like Ellis Island. The immigrants could be screened and processed there, to see if they could qualify for asylum and be allowed to enter the country. I firmly believe that most people would cross this way. That way, families would be able to stay together, cross in safety, and not put themselves in danger. By using these stations, the country would be able to control the flow of immigration, while also respecting them and their need for a better life. I also suggest security, in the form of National Guard troops, be placed in areas where drug traffickers have been known to frequent. Many of our ancestors have crossed in this country through Ellis Island, why not resurrect this idea for the modern day? I believe that this could be a good compromise, that would satisfy both sides of the aisle. I hope you bring this idea up in future debates, as a compromise is sorely needed. I am sure that you and other members of your party are working to trying a stop the shutdown, and I truly hope you succeed. However, dialogue from both parties is needed in this situation, so I urge you to continue to work with the Republican Party to try and find a solution. I have tremendous hope that there will be a solution in sight, and America’s will get back to work.
    God Bless,
    Julie Hoffman, Junior
    Elk County Catholic High School

    1. I have a few questions about your proposition but I like that it is a start to try and find a compromise. I like how you then reassured her at the end. Nice job.

  20. Dear Madam Speaker, Nancy Pelosi,
    Thank you for all of your extremely difficult work, and for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this letter. I would like to speak to you on behalf of the AP Language and Composition class at Elk County Catholic High School located in Saint Mary’s, Pennsylvania upon the issue concerning the border wall. As time has continually increased, this issue has been at quite a stubborn stand still, as not much progress has been made in a positive direction. Due to this fact, our class decided to have a Socratic Seminar in order to empathize with what Donald J. Trump and yourself have been facing, as well as trying to come up with a compromise. The class was about evenly split half and half on building and not building the wall. The issue of whether to build this border or not has become a topic that has now associated itself with polarization and stubbornness of ideas. The chasm between democratic and republican partisans is becoming wider and wider. Liberal republicans and conservatives democrats have now become a thing of the past. These groups are seen as having specific identities rather than people with unifying values, working towards a similar cause. As a class of mostly under eighteen year olds, the majority of the students have not yet chosen a political party to identify with. Instead, we are just a group of youth looking at the best possible way to continue the countries success and ensure the safety of the future of this nation we call home. Personally, I did not know a whole lot about the issue before gathering information for the seminar, so my individual opinion remained mostly unbiased during the discussion of what the possible solution might entail.
    It has come to my attention that, originally, you were for the wall. I do not know what made you change your mind, but after a lot of discussion with my classmates, I believe that a wall should be built, but other changes need to be made as well to ensure that immigrants will still be able to come into the country legally. This is because America should be protected and keep those inside secure from harm. However, I also believe that as a prosperous nation in comparison to others, we have an obligation to offer a home to those who have nowhere else to go or are in need of assistance. Immigrants should be seen as a blessing to our nation, as they provide a new set of ideas and customs, and as a country built upon many different races and cultures, they should be welcomed with open arms. It must be kept in mind that these immigrants are still expected to respect and follow the laws and customs this county was founded upon. As much as we would like to think that all foreigners want to enter the United States for this reason, they do not. There are still many problems relating to the smuggling of drugs, human trafficking, and the desire to enter the county for other reasons. We must not forget the obligation to protect the United States citizens that already live here and trust that their security and safety comes first and foremost.

  21. I am not fully confident that as a group of high school students, we can fully come up with a plan that will fix everything, but perhaps we can provide a start. I think it is safe to assume that things simply cannot stay the way they are as of current. If no wall or barrier is built, people will continue to illegally come across the border, and not to mention drugs and human trafficking. If the wall is built, jobs will be created during the construction process. This will help in growing the economy and creating more jobs for people inside the United States for a few years. I am sure you are familiar with the idea by Ted Cruz to use the money El Chapo gained through smuggling drugs across the border in order to pay for the wall. I think that idea should be looked into more, as it is a way to turn the money into something to be used for the betterment of the country. Then, once the wall is built, the detention centers should be looked at. They could be turned into places for those seeking refuge to go temporarily while applying to become citizens. Perhaps there is no need for a wall that spans the whole of the border; one suggestion would be to construct only where there is a high concentration of illegal immigration. Then, in the areas where the border does not cover, there can be more patrol and border security in those areas. This could supply jobs after the border is completed. As for illegal immigrants still living in the country, if DACA continued but was perhaps fixed, it could be reordered to protect both immigrants and natural-born citizens. Once again, thank you for reading this letter and I encourage you to really see where the other side is coming from so that a viable solution may be found.


    Emily Wolfe, Student at Elk County Catholic High School

    1. Great job! I thought you brought a lot of information and good points to her attention.

    2. You really kept your focus on showing high respect for her, which I felt was difficult considering the prompt. You also used very good examples!

    3. Your work was very thought out and well-written. I agree with you that the funds should be used instead for the betterment of the United States. Wonderful job, Emily!

  22. Dear Madame Speaker,

    I am writing to you today on behalf of my fellow classmates of Elk County Catholic High School, in the state of Pennsylvania. After returning from the holiday break, we began to talk about our thoughts on the border wall. We took the time to put ourselves in the shoes of both the Democrat and Republicans outlook of the current issue. After many long, in depth conversations, a seminar, and lots of research we have successfully came up with a compromise in which we wish to share with you.

    The United States of America is a place you and I both call home. Born and raised in a country that takes so much pride in the few holidays that celebrate our countries birth and the dates of tragedy that have given us the freedom we have today. Yet, recently I feel as if our country has divided. We used to hear “I didn’t vote for him but he’s my President, and I hope he does a good job.” (John Wayne on the election of John F. Kennedy) It has now turned into “I hope he fails.” (Rush Limbaugh on the election of Barack Obama) Our society has changed over time. Yet, our government leaders must unite and keep our country the land of the free and home of the brave. With that being said, I believe we should build the wall. The wall would provide our country with a few benefits including, a reduction of illegal immigrants crossing over, less drug trafficking, and higher national security. I want to inform you that building this wall is not to have our country come off as discriminating in anyway. We fully welcome legal immigrants with open arms. However, it’s the illegal immigrants President Donald Trump is having an issue with.To allow you and the Democrat party to feel at peace with this decision, I believe accepting the fund that Trump has offered to protect ‘Dreamers’ would benefit your beliefs as well. The fund would give the illegal immigrants that were brought over as children a few years to become legal immigrants. I believe this is a great compromise for both sides considering the future outcomes. I would also like to point out that, money should not get in the way of our counties safety. We have an issue in the United States right now, and something must change soon.

    First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your time. I understand right now is heated and causing much stress. However, I hope whatever your decision might be in the near future, you are given the strength in courage from God up above. I wish you the best of luck.

    God bless,
    Lauryn Dippold
    Elk County Catholic High School
    Class of 2020

    1. Lauryn, I really like how you added strong background information to the essay. It is clear that you did much research as well.

  23. Dear Mr. President

    I am writing to you today on behalf of my AP Language class at Elk County Catholic High School. Over the past couple weeks, we had a Socratic discussion on weather the wall should be built or not. With utmost respect, I write this letter to you with some concern as well as questions. What would the wall project cost and what would it accomplish?
    This debate does not concern $5 billion. That would be a down payment for a project estimated to cost between $25 and $30 billion and those are only estimates. From what I understand, your wall would be an approximate 1,933 miles long between the United States and Mexico. Many different cost estimates have been thrown around, from as little as $8 billion to as much as $70 billion, with anywhere from $150 million per year to $750 million per year in maintenance. This only adds on to the $21 trillion in debt that our country has already been placed in by past presidents. Would you rather be known for helping the country get out of this problem, or placing us further into the seemingly endless pit.
    There are three things that I would like to present in which I believe the boarder wall will not accomplish. First, the wall will not stop smuggling. Drug smugglers have been using tunnels to get drugs into the US after Mexico’s famous drug trafficker “El Chapo” pioneered the method in 1989. These tunnels have only grown more sophisticated over time. Other smuggling methods increasingly include the use of drones and catapults as well as joint drainage systems between border towns that have wide tunnels or tubes through which people can crawl and drugs can be pulled. Next, the wall won’t significantly reduce homicides and other violent crime in the United States. The vast majority of crime and homicides are committed by native born Americans. And Finally, the wall won’t help the U.S. economy or necessarily provide more long-term jobs to native-born Americans. There is little evidence that immigrants “steal” U.S. jobs and suppress wages of U.S. workers.
    To a large extent, however, undocumented workers often work the unpleasant, back–breaking jobs that native–born workers are not willing to do. The fish–cutting industry, for example, is unable to recruit a sufficient number of legal workers and therefore is overwhelmingly dependent on an undocumented workforce.
    I believe the wall would be very expensive to build and would only block a small percentage of those entering illegally, and even with the wall, border security would have to be funded. The wall is probably a waste of time, effort and money
    Stephen Bobby
    Elk County Catholic High School

    1. Nice job Steve. Your letter was well thought out and has a lot a information. Even though I'm against your arguement, it very well done

    2. Although, I am for the building of the wall I think that your argument was well constructed. Good work!

    3. I really liked your letter! Great job Stephen

  24. Dear Mrs. Pelosi,
    I am writing to you about my concern for a nation that I love. The United States of America, a nation that prides itself in being “one nation under God,” could not be further from that title at the moment. My upmost respect goes out to you for holding such a dignified role in our country. I am aware that with that role, you have the power to make a significant change. You have the ability to end the polarization about the building of the wall at the Mexican border, but it will take compromise. I am Bailey Bauer, a junior at Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania, and my concerns about the nation I love so dearly are at their peak.
    It is my understanding they you have strong opposition to the building of the wall, or perhaps the context behind building the wall. Have you considered that building a wall might not be such a bad thing if the reasons behind it are good? Historically, walls are not always bad. Walls surround the Vatican, our homes, our places of work, and more. Walls protect us. Building a wall at the Mexican border means more than building a barrier. We can all agree that our immigration system is strained. Maybe we do not need a physical wall, but to take a look at the gaps in the immigration system. By discussing these ideas, a compromise could be made. Whether it is a physical wall or a fixed immigration system, the leaders of our country need to make a decision.
    There is no clean cut solution, that is clear. However, I believe the first step is to communicate in a civil manner with President Trump. Again, I admire your hard work and dedication to your role as Speaker of the House and have faith that you will take the appropriate steps to end the polarization among our nation.

    Bailey Bauer

    1. You did a nice job staying on the topic of polarization versus just stating whether or not we should build the wall. I like this!

    2. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts regarding favor of building the wall. I agree with your compromise of looking at the gaps in the immigration systems. I loved your piece!

  25. Dear Madam Speaker of the House, Ms. Nancy Pelosi,

    I am aware that you probably get a multitude of disrespectful letters threatening your statements and views about whether or not the United States should build the wall along the Mexican-American border. This is most likely due to the source of extreme polarization in this country and prevalent use of binary thinking. However, I believe that if we, as a nation, put these judgments past us and consider other standpoints, then a solution will become evident.

    I am currently a junior at Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania. My class and I have taken it amongst ourselves to discuss the many different factors that restrain our country from making a decision on this crisis because many adults are narrow minded and are at a standstill. As stated, it is our concern that the reason for this lack of authority is due to the increasing polarization issue.

    The issue can be addressed first by opening up our minds to the positives that the wall can bring. Scripture states in Revelation 21:12 and Luke 13:25 that even Heaven has gates and walls. For a more realistic example, the Vatican put up walls in order to protect the Pope, but now they serve as a sign of great importance and anyone can enter to roam St. Peter’s Square. In addition, the wall is not necessarily stating that the United States does not want immigrants, but rather use the wall as a funneling system that will insure the safety and well-being for those entering our county and those who already abide within it. The Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies in 1910, “Each human community possesses a common good which permits it to be recognized as such; it is in the political community that its most complete realization is found. It is the role of the state to defend and promote the common good of civil society, its citizens, and intermediate bodies,” meaning that a nation has the right to adjust to and maintain the needs of the common good for its citizens. That being said, I am sure that it is adequate to say that the common good of the United States is to put family first— assuring the safety and betterment of Americans before providing assistance to other countries. By reflecting on these ideas, perhaps, those who are anti-wall will become aware of the different perceptions of those who are pro-wall.

    On the other hand, those who are not opposed to building the wall should also acknowledge the opinions of those who think that the wall is a bad idea. I definitely agree that physical borders are not who we are as a country and that not all immigrants are pathways for drugs and disease. Many are actually hard working people with strong family ties who genuinely want to have a big house and a well-paying job. For these reasons, I can understand the notion of those who perceive the wall as an immorality.

    After doing endless research and listening to numerous peoples’ take on this whole controversy, my class and I have been able to push past the contamination of polarization and have come to a final conclusion. The immigration system in America is deteriorating and is in dire need of a change. We have been dealing with this problem ever since the times of Cesar Chavez and then on. Although, the wall may not stick to the former scheme of the United States, it is important to build it for a sense of security for American citizens.
    Thank you for your time and consideration, it is greatly appreciated.

    Maddison Taylor

    1. Even though Nancy Pelosi says she is Catholic, her views are in direct opposition to church social teaching and so I am not entirely sure how she would feel about the teaching of the church when regarding this issue.

    2. Thank you for your opinion, Emily! However, I believe that even though she is not a perfect practicing Catholic, I think that she will appreciate the references of the Church. Besides, I initially used the religious references because I know that they are genuine, reliable resources.

  26. Dear President Trump,
    I am a junior at Elk County Catholic High School in St Mary’s Pennsylvania. I am writing this letter on behalf of my AP Language and Composition class. This past week we have been discussing the issue of border security. I am writing to you to express our concerns regarding all of the elements that make up the controversy over this subject. The condition that our government is currently is in is not in a state to make decisions that could affect millions of people in our country.

    The budget for this project would overpower the funding for many government funded programs such as Social Security. The money that would be spent on the wall would ultimately go to waste after we could have used it towards helping homeless veterans, for example. 21 billion dollars seems a bit extreme to add, because we do not know what the effectiveness would be. Also, with some research we have conducted, the class has found that many of the illegal immigrants have overstayed their Visas and GreenCards. If we try to eliminate the repetitiveness of this we could decrease the amount of illegal immigration by a land slide. To enforce this, the security would need to be upped and and put more effort into monitoring the expirations of the green cards. If these immigrants need or want to stay in our country, we should make them abide by our country’s laws and live like a US citizen. With the building of the wall, there is also pending damage to ecosystems to many animals that may already be endangered. The migration patterns of these animals would be effected, along with their sources of food. The lengthy time period the wall would take to be built would not be ideal, especially because of the variable of your presidential term being over half way over. There is so much more we as a country can do together to enforce and keep everyone happy and safe.

    Ellie Fledderman
    Elk County Catholic High School
    Class of 2020

  27. Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump,

    In a recent seminar held by the Juniors and Seniors of Elk County Catholic High School in AP Language and Composition class, we discussed alternative solutions to building a wall. Throughout the course of the discussion, we weighed the costs and the benefits that the wall would have on the United States as a whole. As a result, it would my recommendation that Congress reach an agreement whereby immigrants are fully vetted prior to being granted citizenship, without having to build a physical barrier. Once the immigrants have been granted citizenship, then they can join the workforce, abide by their tax-paying legal obligations, and contribute positively to our society and economy. With a border already in place, it holds the same value that a wall would. Border crossing rates have decreased over the course of twenty years, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The decades-long downward trend in border crossings is one that only casts more doubt on the wisdom of building a border wall. The border enforces safety and narcotic control between the United States and Mexico. In order to accommodate these requirements, Congress could amplify their efforts to add resources to the existing workforce protecting and monitoring the border. The border patrol could introduce new technologies to help monitor a broader area. In order to eliminate the unnecessary spend, Congress could reallocate those funds into programs that would benefit all legal citizens of the United States and further develop our economy. Please consider this request. Build bridges, not walls.

    Elk County Catholic High School Student,
    Dominique Wells

  28. Dear Mrs.Pelosi,

    I am a High School student at Elk County Catholic and am writing to you on behalf of the border issue. I understand that it is not necessarily easy to come together on such a big issue. However the fact of the matter is something does need to change. We can’t let people come in and out of our country as needed, this will just cause more problems such as murder, and then increase of drugs in our country. If we want people to come into our country we must do it properly. We can’t let out citizens live in fear of a possible terrorist attack due to us not having a secure enough border, something needs done.
    There are more ways than one to accomplish this issue. President Trump has always been proposing the idea of building a wall for awhile now, however since the two sides have been unable to compromise there must be a different way. For a person to be a immigrant into our country they have to go through a series of steps to do it correctly. Our country could revise our policy of illegal immigration and make it easier for them to get in our country. Another idea would be to put a check in station along the border. These station will check the people trying to get in our country. If they are illegal, these people can help assist them to come into our country legally. These are just two ideas our second period English class discussed. Another idea that has been mentioned is to add border security with our troops. This is an idea I do not support, we should not put our troops in any more harm then they should be. If all of these ideas fail then I strongly believe building the wall is the only solution. It may not be the most cost efficient but it would provide a safer community, and create more jobs. At some point we have to decide what’s most important, keeping our citizens safe or allowing unmarked immigrants into our country.
    I hope in the near future this issue will have some sort of a solution to the problem. We can’t sit back and let our country fall apart we need to work together to find a solution to this problem. The key word is compromise, both sides, the Republican and Democrats need to come together for the betterment of our country. After all, all the American citizens want is to feel safe and secure in the place they love. I wish you all the best.

    Daniel Wimer

  29. Dear President Donald Trump,
    My name is Anna Kamats and I am seventeen years old. I attend Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys Pennsylvania as a junior. Recently, my Advance Placement Language and Composition class has been discussing the building of the wall at the Mexican-American border. I participated in a Socratic seminar with my fellow classmates and we each voiced our opinions and concerns with the wall. I learned many new and enlightening ideas from this discussion, and I have decided that the building of the wall should be exterminated. I would first like to say, I respect you and your work as the president of The United States, but I also would like to respectfully disagree with you. The building of the wall is first a most polarized issue with the political parties. As written in the American Interest by David Blakenhorn, identity-group politics is continuously on the rise in America. The question of building the wall has given people the outlets to blame bigotry or religion-hating on the parties which fuels the identity-group politics. As is well know, republicans support the building of the wall and democrats oppose the idea. With these key points in mind, each party is accusing the other of these negative assumptions. As a nation we need to put these views aside and see the truths here. The building of the wall will first cost much more than excepted, soaring anywhere to $12 billion to $67 billion. This is because the estimates previously made have not taken into consideration factors such as buying non-government land for the wall. The cost of the wall is not the last of the disadvantages of the wall, though. The drug trafficking incidents also tend to happen when cars loaded with the contraband make their way through ports of entry. Saying the wall would stop the drugs from filtering in is not entirely true, ports of entry can miss and even overlook drugs contained in someone vehicle. There are many other reasons why the wall just won’t work, Mr. Trump. Even a basic google search can reveal this to you. Please, exterminate the idea of building the wall. It is not worth the cost since drugs will come into the U.S. anyways.

    A concerned citizen of the U.S.,
    Anna Kamats
