Thursday, January 10, 2019

Build a Wall, Yea or Nay!

We will end up with two groups for each argument. You need only post one per group. Before you submit, make sure you include a title that indicates whether you are for or against building the wall. Additionally, include all the the names of those in your group at the beginning. Be sure that your argument for either building or not building the wall is NOT POLARIZING! Stick to the directives spelled out by Monsignor Charles Pope at the conclusion of the article.

This might help too:

You can use additional resources if you would like. Do not be afraid to use some of the scriptural and CCCC links in Msg. Pope's article.


  1. For wall
    People: Anthony Gerg, Isaac Brock, Chris Brennen, Michelle Gerber, Emily Wolfe, Gabe Kear, Lauryn Dippold, Emily Constable.

    The wall idea that Donald Trump has used a focal point of his campaign for presidency has changed over time, and has slowly deteriorated from a rebar reinforced wall to a steel fence, drastically reducing the price. Yet, over time, the wall has been a source and of conflict, especially this past month, with the government shutdown. We should have a compromise to the wall, so both sides get what each side would want. We should build the wall, to create jobs and protect the people inside of the US. Let me clarify that not everyone is evil that is coming in, as your can't judge people on their cover. Yet there are some people that are not good. Woman are coming in with children, and media uses this as cannon fodder to say let these people in, but are they actually keeping these children or are they selling them for money to get a short supply of money. It's unfortunate, but it has happened. All we want is a steel fence or barrier to protect the people inside. It's not as much about keeping them out, as it is keeping the people inside safe and protected. Look to history, cities have always had walls, Antioch in the Middle East, Jericho, and even the Holy city of Jerusalem has walls, just to protect the people inside. But, ok,e these cities, people could enter and leave as they pleased, which goes to the second part of the compromise, to change and reform the government policy on immigration. We need to completely change how he policy is, and maybe just need to wipe the slate clean and make a new policy. It is long and drawn out, and it is way too tedious. We need to let people in easier with the same amount of protection. If this happens, we could work it out and make a compromise, for protection and to end this government shutdown. Trump hasn't made the best name of himself, but trust me, this will be better for the entire US, just trust us on this.

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  3. DON’T build that wall!
    Stephen, Sophie, Ellie, Dom, Logan, Grace, Julie, and Bryce

    After the government shutdown, the border wall has been a topic of debate. As students, we believe that this is not the right answer America’s serous immigration problem. The cost, effectiveness, and morality behind it are all reasons why we would object the idea of the border wall.
    Given that the estimated price of the border wall would be over 59 billion dollars it is reasonable to be concerned about the cost. This wall better be effective, right? We have reason to believe that it may not be. The reason being that over 170,000 immigrants enter into America illegally over the Southern border each year. A wall simply will not be able to drastically alter those numbers. The process proves to be the problem, not the wall. Illegal immigrants manage to overstay their visa, stay over the border, and are not deported. Instead of a border wall, we should instruct a stronger immigration policy and keep better track of immigrants that are here on visas. The border wall may theoretically seem effective, but the end does not justify the means.

  4. For the wall:

    The polarizing debate of to build the wall or to not build the wall began as a discussion on how to most effectively secure the border. For the history leading up, we have relied on more troops, cameras, and more vehicles. This has only been so beneficial, considering there are an estimated 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country at any one time. This is not about whether or not we should help these people, this is about being responsible while doing so. The wall is designed to buy our nation time to let us figure the immigration crisis out. It is not an end all be all to immigration from the south, this is the safety of all American citizens.

    Starting from the beginning, the immediate effect of the wall would be protecting the lives of the border patrol officers. According to the source provided for the midterm, something in the vicinity of 128 officers have died protecting our border. This will also protect people seeking refuge, giving them something to get up against and someone to protect them. The wall will also help funnel immigrants into a central location, making the immigration process more streamlined. Building the wall will only make immigration easier.

    Economically, building the wall will make it easier to help Americans here at home and help us bring new citizens in to America. Having illegal immigrants weighs immensely on the welfare system and tax system as well as taking jobs in a significant enough portion to be noticeable. I understand the sentiment of wanting to help people from everywhere, but it must be done effectively and responsibly.

    Building the wall doesn’t say we don’t want immigrants, it says we are overwhelmed and need to do something quick to give us time to find the best solution. There is no reason to not build the wall beyond humanitarian complaints, many of which the wall would solve. Trump may be bombastic most of the time, but his wall is the best idea we have yet. The democrats have put up their own proposal which is essentially keep the same funding, put more troops at risk, and put up more cameras. This will do nothing outside of margin of error to help.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with the wall.

    Bruce, Ben, Jacob, Bailey, and Maddie

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Don’t Build the Wall
      Madyson Delaquilla, Anna Kamats, Lake Solomon, Regis Wortman, Carly Renwick

      “We build too many walls and not enough bridges,” said Isaac Newton. The wall proposed to be built by Donald Trump would be a hinderance to society, people, and animals. Because of the harm that could occur from the construction of this barrier, Trump’s idea for a wall should be forgotten, and solving more concerning issues should become the focus of President Trump and the government.

      According to the Oxford Dictionary, a wall is “a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land.” Throughout history, walls have been used to divide people and families. The Berlin Wall and Korean Wall are examples of walls that have caused misery and anguish. Brothers and sisters are separated for reasons unimportant. Trump’s wall would be added to the list if construction goes underway.

      The plan to fund Donald Trump’s wall has become the forefront issue of the nation, but it can be easily understood that the barrier would cause more harm than good.

      A nation with borders is divided. Was America not built on diversity and welcoming others with open arms? Why would we want to disregard the principles that our founding fathers built this nation on? This country was once seen as a symbol of hope and second chances and by building this wall, we’re taking the hope away.

    3. Walls have not just been built for division. You are correct about the Berlin Wall, it did divide people. It also was designed to pen people in. I could not find a definitive answer on the Korean Wall, but I presume it was built to keep South Korea out of North Korea. These walls are fundamentally different from the wall planned for our border. The main purpose of the wall is to keep illegal immigrants out. There are various other reason you can find in my main response, but I want to make it clear that the wall is not an act of discrimination or anything to that degree. It is to protect Americans and immigrants alike.

      A nation with borders is a nation. A nation with walls is protected. We are a welcoming nation, but you have to come here legally, for their safety and ours. It is ludicrous to suggest we can take the millions of illegal immigrants in and give the protection we offer. We aren't disregarding our forefathers by protecting our nation and its citizens. This wall doesn't stop immigration, it slows down illegal immigration. Please see my original post.
